
Friday, January 31, 2014

Flash Back Friday

As cute as Easons little corgi butt is, I didn't choose this photo for it ;)
Do you see ALL those ultrasound pictures in the background? I forgot just how many of those things we got at each & every 2 week appointment we had.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Adios, See You Later, Sayonara!!!

Goodbye January, good riddens!

I don't even know how many viruses we've had in this house in the past 4 weeks but I'm ready for a healthy family!!! I'm ready for some warmer weather too!

C in the wee hours of the morning

We are currently wrapping up the month with 4 of the 5 of us having the stomach flu. Garren Came down with it sunday night right after going to bed, 4 hours later is little tummy had to have been completely empty & he asked to go back to his bed? I honestly though he just had too much cake & potato chips over the weekend but Caden woke up vomiting yesterday morning at about 1am, he unfortunately had a more prolonged case of it & just as he seemed o be settling Kellan started puking. Meanwhile Donna came home from work sick & spent the day in bed. I'm praying I do not get it but the good news is, if I do, everyone else has already had it & I shouldn't have to chase vomiting toddlers while hovering a trash can myself.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

33 Months

Ok, I'm editing this post for the 347th time, I keep thinking of things to add, maybe I should start waiting 3-5 days before I hit publish, lol...

It just doesn't seem possible that in 3 short months the boys will be 3 YEARS old.
Where does the time go? 

Whoever came up with the "terrible twos" wasn't joking, they are not all bad but boy are these boys strong willed! When they decide they want something they are bull headed & try as hard as they can to stand their ground. The tantrums are pretty intense to boot! They are also pretty destructive. They don't break things but in addition to pulling out every toy they own & spreading them out across the dining, living & playroom they like to throw them, knock them off of tables, smash them together & last but not least hit each other with them. It's pretty overwhelming sometimes. Oh & please do not tell me about 3 being worse or even 4! 

The boys are also a lot of fun these days, their personalities have really blossomed here lately. I think the increase in language development has brought out more of their personalities & they are pretty funny little boys. They also listen & follow instructions pretty well now. We can actually walk from the van & into a store without running in opposite directions before I load them all into a shopping cart. I have ventured to a couple un-fenced playgrounds by myself with them & they have stayed together. I ask them to hold hands to keep them together since 2 like to run ahead & 1 likes to lag behind, I also love to take pictures of them holding hands, lol...

G following C down the slide & K looking for dirt

K, G & C heading out for some winter storm supplies

Kellan is our little free spirit, he's a happy go lucky kid, he is easily amused & cracks up laughing all on his own, often making his brothers laugh too. 
He likes to sing & has been heard singing the Baby Signing Time intro song, the Thomas closing song, the made up clean up song I sing when trying to get them to clean up & I've heard him humming along to songs he doesn't really know the words to. 
He still LOVES his Thomas & all the other trains, & he is also now obsessed with Cars & Planes! 
He loves to paint and draw, he loves books & pretends to read by making up words or stories. 
He loves the water & is always asking to "wash hands?" and he still loves to play in the sand/dirt. 
He's always been a forehead kisser (presses his forehead to your face) & has recently started kissing with his mouth but it is the most hilarious thing, he grabs my face or my hair & makes this growling sound when he kisses me, lol... 
Of the 3, he is definitely our runner, he will inch away, watching to see if we are looking & then he runs as fast as he can while laughing hysterically. 
He always makes an animal sound after naming an animal, ie "kitty cat meow" "sheep baa." 
He is so loving & playful & fun & he is still the baby of the 3.
Kellan is talking so much now! He's is using full sentences & becoming a little pushy, I love when we are getting ready to leave the house & he's the first one standing at the door & yells "come on guys, lets go!" My other favorite Kellan quote is when his fingers & the table I front of him were covered in yogurt & he said "I don't know what happened mommy!" lol...

K, throwing mulch at the playground

K, digging in the dirt at another playground

K, watching TV 

Caden is our bull headed, tantrum throwing, toy smashing son at the moment. He is giving me grey hair & pushing my patience to its limit these days. 
He is also so funny & loving & all snuggles these days. 
He loves to name everyone or everything... Mom mom, mama, Garren, Kellan, Eason, Haddie, cat! grandma, grandpa, Thomas, Percy, James, McQueen, & so on... 
I've heard him singing a little hear & there. 
He has the biggest smile, I love his dimples that are starting to sneak out now that his face is thinning out a bit. 
He also still LOVES Thomas & all the other trains & also has a new found love for Cars & Planes. 
He loves books & is also obsessed with water & dirt. 
He's still very shy & often hides his face when a stranger talks to him but he does warm up rather quickly when meeting someone new.
Caden is talking more & repeating a lot of what we say, I feel like any minute now he'll be talking our ears off.

C, watching TV

C, wishing for beach weather

C, visiting the horses up the road from grandma & grandpas house

C, running!!!

Garren is such a character! He tells me at least once a day "I bossy!" Its usually after I ask him to not do something he's doing & it's his way of claiming to be the boss. 
He repeats everything we say, EVERYTHING! 
He loves pretending in his kitchen & serves drinks to everyone, he & his brothers have 'coffee' quite regularly & Monday he brought me a cup of 'coffee' & then took a sip from his cup & said "I'm having beer" LOL!!! 
He loves the Lorax & pretty much a little bit of everything, blocks, Cars, Planes, trains, puzzles, painting, coloring, tools & everyone! 
He also loves the water & asks to swim whenever he sees it. 
He has recently joined his brothers in their love of sand/dirt. 
He is strong willed & stubborn! When he wants his way it is tough to change his mind or change his focus to something else but he is so loving a caring. 
He's quick to give hugs & kisses or kiss a boo boo. 
He's always concerned when one of his brothers cries & offers to help or console them. 
Garren never meets a stranger, he talks to everyone, everywhere & always has a lot to say!

K & G, visiting the horses near grandma & grandpas house

Eason & G relaxing

G, being his crazy self!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Double Birthday Weekend

Two weeks ago I had a party planned for Donna's big 50th birthday down at our parents in FL. One of her best friends was flying in as a surprise & we had a fun night out planned in addition to the party.

Well the Wednesday before the boys had taken a turn south & were sick again, so Thursday we decided the responsible parent thing to do was to cancel our trip & the party :(
At that point I had to spill the beans about Cheryl flying in & I had to break the news to Cheryl so she could change/cancel her flight. It was a big let down for everyone but the right thing to do for the boys.

Donna just happened to have an audit in Orlando this past Friday, since the boys were feeling better & had a good check-up with their doctor we decided we'd make a weekend of it & celebrate not only Donnas birthday but her dads too.

Garren, Kellan & Caden tucked in at grandma & paw paws (as Kellan has started calling him)

I couldn't get everyone together again for a big birthday party for donna but instead we celebrated Donna & her dads birthdays together with a little cook-out at her parents house with my parents & of course the boys.

Mom mom, Garren & Kellan keeping an eye on the hamburgers & hot dogs

Cake faces; Caden, Garren & Kellan

Lookin' good at 83 & Donna showing off her new shirt 

Monday, January 27, 2014


Project 52; Coffee For Three

Friday, January 24, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Something Funny To Me...

This is just something that was hysterical to me that I want to remember, so I'm writing about it :)

Yesterday I took the boys to their own doctor finally for a follow up on all the garbage we've all had. Donnas boss decided to pay her a visit at the last minute so I was on my own, not that it's anything new, it's just that I can no longer get away with containing the boys in a wagon or stroller so I'm wrangling 3 antsy toddlers...

Garren, Kellan, Caden 

Anyways, we get to the doctors office & at first the boys all sit in chairs, Garren has been asking for food constantly for the past few days so I pulled out some snack mix for them to share. It was only a few minutes before Caden decided he needed to roam which was fine, he was staying close. A couple minutes later Garren joined Caden, they were walking back & forth in front of the receptionist window & making eyes at everyone on the other side of the glass, lol...
One of their regular nurses saw them & came out to get some hugs & she went ahead & took them back to a room to wait for the doctor.

*The boys all weigh about the same as they did at their 2.5 year check-up (G-30lbs, K&C-36lbs) but are about an inch to an inch & a half taller (G-39" K&C-40-ish")

Once we were in the exam room the boys colored or played with their cars. Garren was examined first while Kellan chattered away playing with Mater. I asked Dr J is she noticed how well he was talking & she said she noticed in the hallway as they all asked for water (from the water fountain.) She was impressed :) Next she checked out Kellan, Garren was busy snacking again & Caden was sitting in a chair looking at his coloring book. When she was done with Kellan we turned to Caden who was holding the coloring book up over his face, like someone hiding behind a newspaper trying not to be noticed, lol... Dr J asked where Caden was & Garren promptly said "Caden right here" while touching his leg, lol... Caden didn't budge, he held his book up & giggled behind it...

All 3 boys looked & sounded good, their chests were clear & their ears were much better! Once we finish up the antibiotics we should be good to go. :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Birthday Bobblehead

I must start by saying thank you to our friend Kristin over at More Than Words for the super fun idea and to all of Donna's friends & Family that participated, making her birthday extra special, THANK YOU all!!!

I made & mailed out cute little bobblehead paper dolls of Donna to friends & family around the country & on her birthday which was on the 13th, they took pictures with the miniature 50 year old all over the place & posted them to her Facebook page. It was so much fun to see what everyone came up with & Donna loved that so many of her friends & family spent the day thinking of & taking photos with her. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Project 52

Another stolen, or rather borrowed idea...

My friend Ashleigh over at 2moms2dogs2babies has a friend Allison at 2 Moms To Be who posted this idea of posting a portrait a week of the kiddos. We all know kids grow in the blink of an eye & are ever changing! This is a great way to document it all without having to tell a story or come up with something terribly interesting to go with the photos, just a simple photo of each child or, when the moons all align, the kids all together, lol.

So I'm late to game but I actually had a photo from each of the weeks I've missed, maybe not a portrait per say but close enough to use to get caught up to date. :)

1/52 Sand Play

2/52 Not So Cooperative Tree Posing

3/52 Napping Sickies

Monday, January 20, 2014

From Bad To Worse

Ugh!!! I'm so over this/these nasty viruses, ear infections, head congestion, chest congestion, eye infection, head aches, coughs & miserable children!!!

This is certainly not the worst the boys have ever been sick but it's most definitely the longest!

Just when I thought we were all on the upswing of the original cold/virus we all had the boys suddenly took a turn for the worse. When I say suddenly I mean we went out to the island in the morning (first time out of the house for the boys in 2 weeks) to watch ships & play & by the time they woke up from naps they had fevers, Caden's eyes were covered in green goop & they were miserable. 


Apparently this nastiness is going around, I had a hard time getting Kellan into the dr for his initial ear infection & Wednesday I couldn't get through to a nurse or the receptionist at all :( I left a message with both & it was a day by the time they called back. I didn't wait for the call though, Donna & I decided we needed to go ahead & take them to a walk in because they seemed to be in pain.

The walks-ins in our area are the worst when it comes to treating kids. The doctors don't even pretend to like treating them. I won't go into details but pray that we are able to be in a better area soon for everything kid related!

Garren & Eason 

The boys all have ear infections, Garren a double. Caden & Garren had some "chest congestion" & Caden's eyes were also infected. We were given prescriptions for antibiotics all around, a cough medicine & antibiotic eye drops. Our regular pharmacy was completely out of the antibiotic & had to call 2 more pharmacies before they found one that had enough to fill at least one of the prescriptions so we could get the boys started on them while we waited for them to get more in. Just one more sign that 'its going around.'

It's been a few days now & the coughing & chest congestion a seems to be gone along with the eye infection bit the boys are still cranky & still seem to be having some pain from their ear infections or maybe just headaches.


We have a follow up appointment with the boys pediatrician tomorrow & will hopefully be putting all this behind us by the end of the week, HOPEFULLY!!! I'm not only ready for the boys to feel better but to get out of the house, I think we all have a major case of cabin fever! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Speech Therapy Update II

Well, we have been on a waiting list for speech therapy through the children's hospital for 2 months now. Someone from the children's hospital called & told me it would be a couple months before they could get the boys in so in the meantime we've continued therapy with the current therapist. I didn't want the boys to have a big lapse in therapy & possibly fall further behind. Our appointments have not been any better as far as the therapist canceling & rescheduling at the last minute. She took the last 2 weeks of December off & since the boys have been sick the past 2 weeks we have not had therapy since before Christmas.

Just before the holidays the boys 6 month re-evaluation was due.

I'd love to say that all 3 boys passed with flying colors but those of you that have kids in speech therapy know it's not that kind of test but even if it were, they would have not only failed but they would have been kicked out of class for misbehavior, lol...

The boys did not want to cooperate with the therapist at all! She tried sitting them at the table (like she does unsuccessfully for therapy) & asking them questions but they just kept getting down from the table & wondering away. Then she sat on the couch & tried asking them questions & they would laugh or screech & take off running down the hall.

She told me some of her concerns & the areas they didn't score well in (I can't believe she scored them at all) none of which did I agree with. I know that they know the things she asked like naming body parts or pieces of clothing. Of course they know their body parts & they know what socks & pants & hats & so on are! They also follow 2 step instructions & can name tons of objects on flash cards or in books but they did none of these things for the speech therapist.

As far as their actual speaking goes, Caden & Kellan have really taken off over the holidays! They are repeating EVERYTHING & are also starting to talk in sentences. They love to say everyone's names, even characters in books & on TV. They are getting really good about saying what they want & along with speaking more they are signing more, weird how that worked out. I love hearing their little voices & that despite the majority of their sessions being canceled or rescheduled they are still progressing very well on their own.

I'm considering canceling our service with early intervention now. I really really hate watching the power struggle between the boys & the therapist & Donna & I have decided there is absolutely no way we will be sending them to the preschool here for therapy after they turn 3. The good news is my sister is a speech therapist & has been able to coach me in how to continually work with the boys & encourage them to talk more until we do get in with the children's hospital.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Rough Start

We have had a rough start to our new year. All 5 of us have been sick. We apparently picked something up in Florida over New Years and it has had it's way with us all. Luckily only Kellan needed antibiotics for an ear infection but we've all been loaded up on Benadryl, cough medicines & ibuprofen/Tylenol for over a week now.

Kellan & Caden 

Sleeping on the couch never happens around here but Kellan was out seconds after this photo, I was trying to get him dressed to go to the doctor

Another sofa sleeper, Garren just curled up & passed out one morning, they usually never slow down long enough for this to happen & have only ever fallen to sleep in their beds.

On top of being sick the weather has been crazy! It got super cold (well for us in South GA / Florida. & it has rained all but 2 days I think, making getting outside for fresh non-contaminated air pretty much impossible. We did however make it out to the park Saturday afternoon for a walk (that's run in toddlerland) & I think we are finally starting to feel better.

Eskimo Kellan heading to the doctor

Kellan, Garren, & Caden, checking out the ducks on our walk.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Happy New Year!!!

We spent New Year's Eve with my Dad & Bonus Mom, I honestly can't remember not spending New Year's Eve with them? Anyways, it's always a fun evening with good food & company.

Marie, my bonus mom made tacos & her famous taco dip for dinner & she hooked us all up with our favorite alcoholic beverages for the evening, lol...

The boys played, played & played some more with their new Thomas track & all the tracks Aunt Meg & family have left at Grandma & Grandpa's

After we got the boys dressed in their pajamas we decided to take them for a walk to see the Christmas lights that were still up on my parents street. The boys LOVED them along with the fireworks someone was shooting off on the next street! It's good to know they like fireworks since they haven't been to an actual fireworks show yet :) 

It was a bit of a struggle getting the boys to fall asleep with all the fireworks & hoopla going on outside but we finally did. I finished up some laundry & we watched a multitude of New Year's Eve programs (because my dad doesn't believe in watching commercials & changes the channels back & forth) :) I think we all struggled to actually stay awake but we did it, we twisted the New Year, kissed and went straight to bed, lol...

We had a great New Year's morning with my parents, we enjoyed a great breakfast & lunch before getting on the road to come home. It rained ALL THE WAY & the 3 hour drive seemed to take 6. Everyone including the cat was happy to be home! Now I just need to find space for all these new toys the boys got!!! I purged before Christmas, I may need to purge some more...

Hope you all had a fabulous New Year too!!!