
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Something Funny To Me...

This is just something that was hysterical to me that I want to remember, so I'm writing about it :)

Yesterday I took the boys to their own doctor finally for a follow up on all the garbage we've all had. Donnas boss decided to pay her a visit at the last minute so I was on my own, not that it's anything new, it's just that I can no longer get away with containing the boys in a wagon or stroller so I'm wrangling 3 antsy toddlers...

Garren, Kellan, Caden 

Anyways, we get to the doctors office & at first the boys all sit in chairs, Garren has been asking for food constantly for the past few days so I pulled out some snack mix for them to share. It was only a few minutes before Caden decided he needed to roam which was fine, he was staying close. A couple minutes later Garren joined Caden, they were walking back & forth in front of the receptionist window & making eyes at everyone on the other side of the glass, lol...
One of their regular nurses saw them & came out to get some hugs & she went ahead & took them back to a room to wait for the doctor.

*The boys all weigh about the same as they did at their 2.5 year check-up (G-30lbs, K&C-36lbs) but are about an inch to an inch & a half taller (G-39" K&C-40-ish")

Once we were in the exam room the boys colored or played with their cars. Garren was examined first while Kellan chattered away playing with Mater. I asked Dr J is she noticed how well he was talking & she said she noticed in the hallway as they all asked for water (from the water fountain.) She was impressed :) Next she checked out Kellan, Garren was busy snacking again & Caden was sitting in a chair looking at his coloring book. When she was done with Kellan we turned to Caden who was holding the coloring book up over his face, like someone hiding behind a newspaper trying not to be noticed, lol... Dr J asked where Caden was & Garren promptly said "Caden right here" while touching his leg, lol... Caden didn't budge, he held his book up & giggled behind it...

All 3 boys looked & sounded good, their chests were clear & their ears were much better! Once we finish up the antibiotics we should be good to go. :)

1 comment:

  1. They're getting so big!! I read all your posts from my Feedly app, but it's not very "comment friendly" so I wanted to stop by now that I'm on a computer :) We got smacked with family sickness last week, but we just have one kid and that was plenty!!

    Ali -
