
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

33 Months

Ok, I'm editing this post for the 347th time, I keep thinking of things to add, maybe I should start waiting 3-5 days before I hit publish, lol...

It just doesn't seem possible that in 3 short months the boys will be 3 YEARS old.
Where does the time go? 

Whoever came up with the "terrible twos" wasn't joking, they are not all bad but boy are these boys strong willed! When they decide they want something they are bull headed & try as hard as they can to stand their ground. The tantrums are pretty intense to boot! They are also pretty destructive. They don't break things but in addition to pulling out every toy they own & spreading them out across the dining, living & playroom they like to throw them, knock them off of tables, smash them together & last but not least hit each other with them. It's pretty overwhelming sometimes. Oh & please do not tell me about 3 being worse or even 4! 

The boys are also a lot of fun these days, their personalities have really blossomed here lately. I think the increase in language development has brought out more of their personalities & they are pretty funny little boys. They also listen & follow instructions pretty well now. We can actually walk from the van & into a store without running in opposite directions before I load them all into a shopping cart. I have ventured to a couple un-fenced playgrounds by myself with them & they have stayed together. I ask them to hold hands to keep them together since 2 like to run ahead & 1 likes to lag behind, I also love to take pictures of them holding hands, lol...

G following C down the slide & K looking for dirt

K, G & C heading out for some winter storm supplies

Kellan is our little free spirit, he's a happy go lucky kid, he is easily amused & cracks up laughing all on his own, often making his brothers laugh too. 
He likes to sing & has been heard singing the Baby Signing Time intro song, the Thomas closing song, the made up clean up song I sing when trying to get them to clean up & I've heard him humming along to songs he doesn't really know the words to. 
He still LOVES his Thomas & all the other trains, & he is also now obsessed with Cars & Planes! 
He loves to paint and draw, he loves books & pretends to read by making up words or stories. 
He loves the water & is always asking to "wash hands?" and he still loves to play in the sand/dirt. 
He's always been a forehead kisser (presses his forehead to your face) & has recently started kissing with his mouth but it is the most hilarious thing, he grabs my face or my hair & makes this growling sound when he kisses me, lol... 
Of the 3, he is definitely our runner, he will inch away, watching to see if we are looking & then he runs as fast as he can while laughing hysterically. 
He always makes an animal sound after naming an animal, ie "kitty cat meow" "sheep baa." 
He is so loving & playful & fun & he is still the baby of the 3.
Kellan is talking so much now! He's is using full sentences & becoming a little pushy, I love when we are getting ready to leave the house & he's the first one standing at the door & yells "come on guys, lets go!" My other favorite Kellan quote is when his fingers & the table I front of him were covered in yogurt & he said "I don't know what happened mommy!" lol...

K, throwing mulch at the playground

K, digging in the dirt at another playground

K, watching TV 

Caden is our bull headed, tantrum throwing, toy smashing son at the moment. He is giving me grey hair & pushing my patience to its limit these days. 
He is also so funny & loving & all snuggles these days. 
He loves to name everyone or everything... Mom mom, mama, Garren, Kellan, Eason, Haddie, cat! grandma, grandpa, Thomas, Percy, James, McQueen, & so on... 
I've heard him singing a little hear & there. 
He has the biggest smile, I love his dimples that are starting to sneak out now that his face is thinning out a bit. 
He also still LOVES Thomas & all the other trains & also has a new found love for Cars & Planes. 
He loves books & is also obsessed with water & dirt. 
He's still very shy & often hides his face when a stranger talks to him but he does warm up rather quickly when meeting someone new.
Caden is talking more & repeating a lot of what we say, I feel like any minute now he'll be talking our ears off.

C, watching TV

C, wishing for beach weather

C, visiting the horses up the road from grandma & grandpas house

C, running!!!

Garren is such a character! He tells me at least once a day "I bossy!" Its usually after I ask him to not do something he's doing & it's his way of claiming to be the boss. 
He repeats everything we say, EVERYTHING! 
He loves pretending in his kitchen & serves drinks to everyone, he & his brothers have 'coffee' quite regularly & Monday he brought me a cup of 'coffee' & then took a sip from his cup & said "I'm having beer" LOL!!! 
He loves the Lorax & pretty much a little bit of everything, blocks, Cars, Planes, trains, puzzles, painting, coloring, tools & everyone! 
He also loves the water & asks to swim whenever he sees it. 
He has recently joined his brothers in their love of sand/dirt. 
He is strong willed & stubborn! When he wants his way it is tough to change his mind or change his focus to something else but he is so loving a caring. 
He's quick to give hugs & kisses or kiss a boo boo. 
He's always concerned when one of his brothers cries & offers to help or console them. 
Garren never meets a stranger, he talks to everyone, everywhere & always has a lot to say!

K & G, visiting the horses near grandma & grandpas house

Eason & G relaxing

G, being his crazy self!

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