
Monday, January 20, 2014

From Bad To Worse

Ugh!!! I'm so over this/these nasty viruses, ear infections, head congestion, chest congestion, eye infection, head aches, coughs & miserable children!!!

This is certainly not the worst the boys have ever been sick but it's most definitely the longest!

Just when I thought we were all on the upswing of the original cold/virus we all had the boys suddenly took a turn for the worse. When I say suddenly I mean we went out to the island in the morning (first time out of the house for the boys in 2 weeks) to watch ships & play & by the time they woke up from naps they had fevers, Caden's eyes were covered in green goop & they were miserable. 


Apparently this nastiness is going around, I had a hard time getting Kellan into the dr for his initial ear infection & Wednesday I couldn't get through to a nurse or the receptionist at all :( I left a message with both & it was a day by the time they called back. I didn't wait for the call though, Donna & I decided we needed to go ahead & take them to a walk in because they seemed to be in pain.

The walks-ins in our area are the worst when it comes to treating kids. The doctors don't even pretend to like treating them. I won't go into details but pray that we are able to be in a better area soon for everything kid related!

Garren & Eason 

The boys all have ear infections, Garren a double. Caden & Garren had some "chest congestion" & Caden's eyes were also infected. We were given prescriptions for antibiotics all around, a cough medicine & antibiotic eye drops. Our regular pharmacy was completely out of the antibiotic & had to call 2 more pharmacies before they found one that had enough to fill at least one of the prescriptions so we could get the boys started on them while we waited for them to get more in. Just one more sign that 'its going around.'

It's been a few days now & the coughing & chest congestion a seems to be gone along with the eye infection bit the boys are still cranky & still seem to be having some pain from their ear infections or maybe just headaches.


We have a follow up appointment with the boys pediatrician tomorrow & will hopefully be putting all this behind us by the end of the week, HOPEFULLY!!! I'm not only ready for the boys to feel better but to get out of the house, I think we all have a major case of cabin fever! 

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