
Monday, December 15, 2014

Weekend Festivities

We had a fun filled weekend of Christmas activities! The boys & I started the weekend out with a Christmas craft, pine cone Christmas trees. Back in the fall we collected pine cones on Jekyll Island specifically for this project. I gave the boys some glitter glue & pom poms & let them have at it. It was a super simple project but the boys really enjoyed it, especially the glitter glue! 

I think they turned out cute enough to use with our Christmas village

Our new neighborhood had a Christmas festival Saturday, with a petting zoo, Santa & yummy Christmas treats. The boys, especially Garren loved the animals in the petting zoo! I didn't think we'd ever get him back out of the pin.

Garren & his tiny pig friend


Kellan trying to decide which one to pet


Chatting up the little pig

Baby chicks

Seeing Santa went a little different than we anticipated, Garren had told me he was going to sit on his lap & not cry this time. And he did, he ran right over to him, climbed in his lap & told him he wanted a Thomas tent & a Thomas hat, lol... Caden & Kellan pulled their shy act & hid behind us but they did give Santa a high five before leaving :)

After the festival we went to get some Christmas lights for the house. Our 2 strands from our old house weren't going to be enough for this house plus they were white & the boys wanted "rainbow lights."

The boys enjoyed some scooter riding while Donna hung the lights

Donna getting the lights up

That was our fun for this weekend, we probably won't get another day with Donna now until Christmas. We've gotten use to being a FedEx family during the holidays & keep ourselves busy while she works crazy hours making sure her employees are ok & just hope she makes it home before midnight on Christmas Eve!


  1. I love the pictures of the boys outside playing with their Santa hats, while Donna hangs the lights.

    1. Thanks! I didn't realize she was in the background until i was looking at the photos later, love happy accidents :)

  2. great pictures. Yesterday at the preschool I work at a volunteer reader came in to read the kids a story, it was about a Penguin and a pine cone. She brought in a pine cone to share , only it was a Magnolia seed pod. I had a tough time keeping a straight face. Your boys know what pine cones are! Fun little project. Love the petting zoo. Sweet little piggys! And have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year! I don't have your new address for a card.

    1. That is funny Mary! I can send you loads of pine cones if you'd like, the preserve that backs up to our house is filled with pine trees. I will message you our new address so you have for next time :)
      I haven't even gotten our cards out in the mail yet :/ So busy with these crazy boys!!! I will get them in the mail soon though.
      Merry Christmas to you too! :)

  3. Great Christmas Craft idea...I have to remember that for when Fox is older!
    Love your house! Happy Holidays!
