
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dear Santa

The boys' Christmas requests change frequently. I ask everyday just to keep up that Santa is 'watching.' It means nothing to Garren, if he wants to misbehave he just says "I don't want Santa to come to our house." He is a booger that one! But anyways, while driving to speech therapy yesterday in their Santa hats I asked again what they would like Santa to bring them & it was the funniest reply I've gotten yet...

Garren what would you like Santa to bring you?
G - A Thomas tent & a Thomas hat.

Caden what do you want Santa to bring?
C - A Thomas tent & a Elsa bike.

It took me a minute to figure out "Elsa bike"
Garren chimes back in with a monster truck & a Barbie car, lol...

I said "well you don't have a Barbie sweetie, what will you do with a Barbie car?
G - it's not for Barbie, I will drive my brothers around in it, and a motor bike, one that goes faster & (sound effect here...) vvroooooooommmmmmmzzzzzzzz!!! LOL!!!

When I finished laughing I told them we would work on writing Santa a letter while we waited at speech. Garren insisted on writing even though I said Santa would be able to read my writing more easily, so interpreted their letter states (even though it just looks like scribble)...

Dear Santa,
Would you please bring my brothers & I a Thomas tent & Thomas hats. An Elsa bike, a monster truck, a Barbie car (the kind you drive on the sidewalk) & a motor bike that goes faster. 
We promise to be good listeners & get quarters until you come.
Thank you so much,
Kellan, Garren & Caden

What can I say?! They are smitten with blondes, blue trains, pink cars & fast motorcycles! :)

PS Kellan was eating & couldn't be bothered with the conversation but had plenty of input in the writing of the letter!

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha! This is perfect!!! I love the Barbie car reasoning. Those three are thinkers!!! Little monster kept asking for a remote dog with a magic wand and I had no idea what he was talking about and finally (via commercial) put it together that he wants a Princess Palace Pet remote control dog that operates through a princess wand, lol
