
Monday, December 7, 2015

A First For Us!

Several years ago the Dallas Cowboys were hosting Tampa Bay in Dallas on Thanksgiving. Taking the day after Thanksgiving off is a big no no at Fedex but Donna was able to convince her boss to let her off for this special occasion. Donna is a big Dallas fan, has been since high school, of course being from FL & the Bay area at that, I am a Bucs fan. Donna's best friend & I planned the trip to Dallas for Thanksgiving weekend. We booked a fancy hotel, bought airline tickets & of course tickets to the Thanksgiving Day game. The week of Thanksgiving Donna's boss received a directive from the Director that NO managers were to be off the day after Thanksgiving & at the very last minute he had to revoke her day off & spoiled all our plans.

Fast forward to the beginning off this years football season, I'm checking out the Buccaneers season schedule & low & behold Tampa is hosting Dallas on a regular old Sunday in November! I text Donna's BFF & ask her how I should go about buying tickets? She says no need, she has a couple extra season tickets we can use for that game. SCORE! We were both pretty excited as it's been a few years since we've been to a live game (before the boys came along) It was even more exciting for Donna since she would get to see her team.

Our original plan was for my friend & fellow triplet mom to babysit the boys. We don't leave the boys often & have always gotten a lot of grief from them when we have left them. I though a super fun playdate with their triplet bff's & their big sister would work like magic. They had been asking when they would see their friends again anyways.

Well a couple days before we would be going for the weekend Kellan threw up. The boys had had colds/allergies too & I didn't want to send them off to infect their friends. I asked Grandma if she would be available just in case they were still sick come the weekend. Good thing because shortly after arriving at my bonus mom's friday night Caden spiked a 102.5 temperature. Garren woke up with a terrible ear ache Saturday & by lunchtime he had a 102.8 fever. Donna whisked him off to urgent care since his ear had been bothering him too. Caden's fever hadn't come back & he said his ear didn't hurt & neither did anything else, he did however spike another fever that night.

So grandma ended up keeping the boys for us for the WHOLE day, 13 hours! It's a 2 hour drive from Grandma's to Tampa & we left early enough to meet for breakfast & get to the stadium early enough to find decent parking. 

Grandma did a great job of keeping the boys entertained, she made them pancakes for breakfast & took them on a long walk to visit some horses. She took them to get Garren's antibiotic prescription filled, to McDonald's for lunch & then to a playground. She said everyone was well behaved, took their medicine with no problems & even laid down for a nap easily.

Donna & I had a blast spending the day childless. I think we had forgotten what it was like to have a whole entire conversation without being interrupted by a child's needs, lol... Of course there is nothing like a live game at the Bucs stadium with firing cannons from the pirate ship & all the team spirit. Donna was not alone in her support of the Cowboys, there were probably just as many Dallas fans as there were Tampa fans at the game & it was a great game, especially since the Bucs won!
Sorry Donna...


  1. So glad y'all had fun but so sad the boys couldn't come here!

  2. So glad y'all had fun but so sad the boys couldn't come here!

  3. I am major jealous of the kid free a live ball game. Way to go grandma! Isn't it strange how well behave they are for others?!?
