
Sunday, August 16, 2015

SBL #3, 8, 14 & 15 ~ A Day at the Beach!

Well I fell behind a little on our Summer Bucket List & had to combine some items to get them all in before the boys started school this past Wednesday but I was determined to make the most of our last few full days of Summer.

Monday morning we packed a cooler & a beach bag & headed out to a local state park I've been looking forward to visiting. There is a fort at the park but also 2 beaches, one on the atlantic & one on the river. I'm not much of a river girl so we headed to the ocean side of the park. We took a walk & checked out the fishing pier before grabbing our bags & heading down to the sand. I have to say, I was quite impressed with the park & the beach. It's the cleanest beach we've been to here & very accessible. There were nice long boardwalks leading from the parking lot to just past the sand dunes. There were picnic tables & bar-b-cue pits along side the boardwalk. And a big perk for me was the shower & restrooms ON the boardwalk. Nothing like being able to rinse off & not have to walk through sand again, lol...

As soon as we hit the sand we saw a marked sea turtle nest. (I am just slightly obsessed with sea turtles) & then it was just pristine sand beautiful ocean water. The boys picked a spot to spread out for a picnic but then decided they wanted to hunt for sharks teeth first. 

It was a gorgeous day & since the beach was on the tip of the island there was a great breeze. As I watched the boys play I counted marked sea turtle nests just in the visible area. There were 11 that I could see, none seemed to have hatched yet, when they do I would like to take the boys to a nest excavation. Since sea turtles are endangered, the nests are monitored & 72 hours after the eggs have hatched the nests are excavated to count & track its contents, number of eggs, any deceased hatchlings & any that may be alive but didn't make it out of the nest. Those are always released into the sea. But I digress... 

The boys worked up quite the appetite playing in the waves & they scarfed down the entire contents of our cooler, pb&j, grapes, string cheese, cookies & apples! We played some more before deciding to go check out the rest of the park. There were 2 very nice campgrounds, the fort of course, hiking trails, picnic areas a playground, bike trails & even a roller blade trail. I see many more adventures at this state park!

We're checking Discover new beaches (we went to a new one when our triplet bffs were here too) Go on a picnic, Hunt for sharks teeth & Visit a new state park off our summer bucket list.

1 comment:

  1. Cool!! More stuff to discover and do on our next visit! :)
