
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Poor Pitiful Haddie Mae

Our 8 year old Haddie Mae had to have a few tumors removed 2 weeks ago. We found the first one on her hip 2 Christmases ago. It was the size of a grape at the time & our vet then didn't think it was any cause for concern. He aspirated it & it just looked like a fatty tumor. Fast forward a year, we're getting ready to move & took the pups in to make sure they were up to date on everything they needed before the move, NOW the vet wants to talk surgery to remove the now baseball sized tumor. We were literally moving the next day, the vet said it was not life threatening but urged us to have it done with the new vet as soon as we could. Well moving & kids & holidays & kids & birthdays & kids &... we finally got all Haddie's (& the other four legged creatures) records sent to the new vet. Haddie had yet another bladder infection she needed to get cleared up & she was finally ready for surgery. The tumor was now the size of a grapefruit & we were told the surgery would be rough as far as recovery went. because of the size of the tumor, it would leave a significant void which would naturally want to retain fluid & fluid could lead to infection, so Haddie would have to be on crate rest until the incision healed & she got her stitches out. YIKES!

Eason waiting for his sister on surgery day...

Haddie did well in surgery, she did well enough that they were able to go ahead & clean her teeth while she was still under. The vet had to remove a significant amount of excess skin though so Haddie came home with a couple of drains in addition to too many stitches to count. The girl was pretty pitiful for a few days.

Poor pitiful Haddie Mae

The boys asked where her butt went, lol...

Haddie managed to get both drains & a few stitches puled out the first night, so she won herself a trip back to the vet & 6 staples, evenly distributed between her hip & chest incisions. She also won an e-collar to keep her from chewing anything else. The cone as we called it actually helped keep her pretty calm, who could run or jump with that big ol' thing on your head, lol...

The rest of the 10 days were pretty uneventful, lots of love, cuddles & extra treats were given. The boys even gave her some extra lovin being super careful not to tough her incisions. She did get a little spunky one day & over did it a little but she realized it that evening when she didn't feel so hot anymore & remained calm again until it was stitch removal day. We took her in Saturday to have the stitches removed & didn't realize until Sunday that they forgot to take the stitches on her chest out, oops! So Monday she went back one more time. She's back to her loud, sassy self & is making up for lost time chasing Eason & the kitty cats around the house :)

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