
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Keeping Busy Fundraising

The boys & I's birthdays are just 3 days apart in April. Last year after losing my Dad in March, I just wasn't in partying mood, so we skipped birthday parties. Don't get me wrong, we did celebrate the boys' birthday we just did it quietly. 

I had wanted to do something to honor my dad instead of having a party last year. I found Relay for Life but was a little late to the game so I decided that we would participate this year. It really worked out great for this year, as our local Relay is in March (the anniversary of my Dads passing & not on our actual birthdays, leaving us time for a party this year. It also freed up a little time for another cause that is near & dear to our hearts, The March of Dimes.

For years Donna & I have supported The March of Dimes, long before we ever became the parents to 3 preemies & many many years before we knew what they actually did. I mean we knew they did research & stuff to help & prevent prematurity but had no idea that they actually developed advances & therapies to help save the lives of all the babies born too soon.

It wasn't until I delivered our triplets 11 weeks prematurely that I actually understood what The March of Dimes was all about. I was proud that we had been great supporters all those years before & knew we would continue to support the research & development done to help expectant moms & premature babies.

Over the past few years we have found it difficult to make it to a walk, there were't any in our current city(ies) & traveling to a city near by while trying to stick to a triplet schedule proved to be too much, though we were always there in spirit & still made our donations. 

Last year I decided would be the last year we didn't make it to a walk, the boys would be nearly 4 this year & I wanted to not only show our support but show our appreciation. So on April 18th we will walk, with our 29 week miracles & show our support, gratitude & proof of the miracles The March of Dimes makes possible :)

If you'd like to join or support us in our walk, you can do so by clicking on The March of Dimes gadget near the top, right of the page or for Relay for Life click here.

You can also support either of our fundraisers by participating in our online  Jamberry Nails Fundraiser, where 40% of all sales will be donated to The American Cancer Society & The March of Dimes.

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