
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Project 52; Week 12

Caden, Kellan & Garren
Our babies really have transformed into little boys!

Yardsellin', Relayin', & Putt Putt Golfin''

Last weekend was our local Relay for Life event, my bonus-mom came up for the weekend to participate with my sister, her family & all of us.

The same day our neighborhood was having a community yardsale & I had a TON of stuff that neded to go, a TON! I still had the boys' infant carseats, lots of clothes, dishes & small appliances, toys, & did I mention clothes?! Haha. Even though I have sold a lot of the boys' clothes on a triplet resale page, I still had 6 moving boxes full of clothes!

So we started our Saturday with a yardsale. My bonus-mom helped me set up for the yardsale while Donna entertained the boys & cooked breakfast. It started out pretty foggy & a bit slow but picked up & we sold at least 2/3 of the stuff :)

When the boys woke up from their nap, we headed out to the Relay. I was not completely informed of all that having a Relay for Life team entailed, so we basically showed up, turned in the donations my bonus-mom had collected & walked a lap while checking out the set up. We were apparently suppose to set up a booth, decorate it, sell something to raise money of course & hang out all day, 8am - 10pm. I didn't find out about the booth thing until 2 days before & there was no way we could hang out ALL day with the kids. Now that we know though, we will be better prepared for next year. We'll attend the meetings leading up to the event (we joined after the meetings had all been had this year) & have what we need, ready to set up a booth.

Anyways, in our short little months time, we raised $235 for The American Cancer Society in my dads memory. I had hoped for more but again, we will be better prepared next year & start fundraising earlier :)

While we waited for my sister & her family to arrive at the Relay, Grandma, Donna, the boys & I played a round of Putt Putt Golf. Garren has been asking everytime he sees a mini golf course to play. It started last year on Jekyll Island, the playground there sits right next to a mini golf course. The boys all started out really into it but by hole 3 or 4, Caden was playing soccer with his golf ball, trying to kick it into the whole & Kellan was playing a combination of baseball/basketball trying to throw his ball into the holes, lol... Garren lasted a bit longer but then started chasing everyones balls, as did Donna, smh... It was fun, I believe Grandma won the round & we all celebrated with ice cream afterwards :)

Donna & Kellan

I love Garren's form, lol

No need to wait for the brothers to get out of the way ;)

After my sister & her family arrived we did another lap (relay) with them & then it was dinner time, so we headed up the street to a restaurant I had heard about that was right on the beach & had a playground. Who could ask for better place to dine with 5 kids in tow?! It was a phenomenal evening, watching the kids play, hanging with family, listening to live music, enjoying drinks & eating dinner with our toes in the sand!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Fun on the Farm

There is a local City Moms Blog here that posts about all things mom related but also posts about local stuff to do with our tots. They also host a monthly playdate. I've never gone to any of the playdates before, they're usually at a playground or park I'm unfamiliar with. I'm not too keen on taking the boys someplace unknown by myself the first time around. This month however, the playdate was scheduled for a farm closer to us & my sister, niece & nephew were able to join us for the fun :)
The boys & I set out bright & early for our adventure to the farm. My sister's kids sleep in (what's that?!) So they met up with us later.

We were greeted as we drove in by a mama horse & her baby, so cute! They were the first animals we went to see, right after we stopped to say hello to the orange barn cat.

He was a very friendly little foal, just 2 weeks old

Garren now wants a bunny, lol

The bigger horses were a little intimidating for Caden & Kellan, especially after the mama horse gave Garren a kiss (sniff) right on top of his head. The miniature horse was just their size though :)

The boys spotted a mount of sand & some play structures from across the farm & made a beeline for them!

The boys LOVED this slide made from a corrugated pipe! They just wanted to slide over & over again but as other kids arrived a line started to form. They were too excited to notice & kept just running up the stairs to slide without regard for all the other kids waiting, so I had to drag them away to do something else.

We visited with the pigs for a minute before noticing the hayride coming back around, so we headed to the gate for that.

The hayride started out in the cow pasture. The cows came right up & ate from the hay bails we were sitting on. The kids were all able to pet & feed the cows.

While we were on our hayride my sister called, they had just arrived so I had her meet us at the hayride & we went around on it again with my niece & nephew. We also saw more pigs on the hayride including a mama pig & a whole bunch of baby pigs. The boys were able to feed them too.

We ate lunch & everyone played some more! There was a corn box/pool that the boys all loved, cow train rides & a hamster wheel like game. I was actually quite surprised the boys went on the cow train ride by themselves, they've never gone on anything without one of us with them but they went & did great.

We ended with going back to see the horses since Chandler & Nadia hadn't seen them yet. 

Chandler, Garren, Caden, Nadia & Kellan

The boys were super tired by then, we had been at the farm for nearly 4 hours & it was 2 hours past nap time. They had a lot of fun with their cousins though & loved the farm! They ask every couple of days if we're going to the farm again. 

Kellan got his head stuck here, not really stuck, he just couldn't manage to get his head out himself. Caden was just mad that Kellan got to the pig before him, he waned to get his head stuck first, lol...

Monday, March 16, 2015

Project 52: Week 11

Not even 4 yet & already conspiring to steal cars, lol

Monday, March 9, 2015

Project 52: Week 10

Pink cheeks, Popsicles & a glorious 77 degree day :)

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Keeping Busy Fundraising

The boys & I's birthdays are just 3 days apart in April. Last year after losing my Dad in March, I just wasn't in partying mood, so we skipped birthday parties. Don't get me wrong, we did celebrate the boys' birthday we just did it quietly. 

I had wanted to do something to honor my dad instead of having a party last year. I found Relay for Life but was a little late to the game so I decided that we would participate this year. It really worked out great for this year, as our local Relay is in March (the anniversary of my Dads passing & not on our actual birthdays, leaving us time for a party this year. It also freed up a little time for another cause that is near & dear to our hearts, The March of Dimes.

For years Donna & I have supported The March of Dimes, long before we ever became the parents to 3 preemies & many many years before we knew what they actually did. I mean we knew they did research & stuff to help & prevent prematurity but had no idea that they actually developed advances & therapies to help save the lives of all the babies born too soon.

It wasn't until I delivered our triplets 11 weeks prematurely that I actually understood what The March of Dimes was all about. I was proud that we had been great supporters all those years before & knew we would continue to support the research & development done to help expectant moms & premature babies.

Over the past few years we have found it difficult to make it to a walk, there were't any in our current city(ies) & traveling to a city near by while trying to stick to a triplet schedule proved to be too much, though we were always there in spirit & still made our donations. 

Last year I decided would be the last year we didn't make it to a walk, the boys would be nearly 4 this year & I wanted to not only show our support but show our appreciation. So on April 18th we will walk, with our 29 week miracles & show our support, gratitude & proof of the miracles The March of Dimes makes possible :)

If you'd like to join or support us in our walk, you can do so by clicking on The March of Dimes gadget near the top, right of the page or for Relay for Life click here.

You can also support either of our fundraisers by participating in our online  Jamberry Nails Fundraiser, where 40% of all sales will be donated to The American Cancer Society & The March of Dimes.