
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I Need Help Deciding...

We had Fall Family/3.5 year photos taken a couple weeks ago, I know, more photos. I promise I'm cutting back to twice a year but sometimes I just can't help myself. Anyways back to the photos, I always have great intentions of keeping the photos to ourselves so the Christmas card photo will be something new, no one has seen yet but I have a terrible time deciding which photo to use so I'm posting them here on the blog & asking for HELP?!?!?!
Kellan, Donna, Garren, Caden & I

Kellan, Garren & Caden 

Caden, Garren & Kellan

I love the smirk on Kellans face, haha 

I love them all & love that they were taken here in FL just as we moved here. You can only see it in one photo but the truck has an old Florida license plate on the front of it. I didn't notice it the day of the photos but it kind of seems symbolic now :)

So which is your favorite? What should I use on our Christmas card?


  1. 2nd from the top for the Christmas card. GREAT family shot. I think my favorite of the boys (though, ummmm, HOW can one pick among that cuteness?!?!?) is the last one with them all on the truck!!!

    Seriously cute kiddos there!!!

  2. I like the first one with everybody in it. Everyone is looking at the ca era and 5/6 are smiling.

  3. I vote for #2 and #4! I like it when there's both a family shot and one of the kiddos on Christmas cards. Plus with so many great pictures, how can you not use more than one?! I can't believe how big the boys are! Such cuties. :)

  4. 2 and 9 are my favourite :) we just got engagement shots done and I know how hard it is to pick! .... We may or may not have just printed nearly all of them haha.

  5. I like the one of the three boys on the rug with their arms around each other, truck in the background, in black and white.

  6. #2 Love how happy you look!
    Love Aunt Pam
