
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Caden's NICU Graduation Anniversary

It was 3 years ago today that we brought our first baby (who just happened to be the first born) home from the hospital. 

We never could have imagined the little person Caden would grow to be from that 5 1/2 week old, 5lb baby

He definitely keeps us on our toes! He is sweet & warm, he gives the biggest, tightest hugs. He's smart, creative, curious & funny. 
He pretends to be bashful but he's just playing hard to get, he is quite the charmer & flirt. 
He loves animals & is very gentle with them. 
He loves to draw & paint & put together puzzles. His speech therapist says he has the most patience & best concentration she has ever seen in a 3 year old. 
He is still completely fascinated with Thomas, well any train really & he also loves Cars & Buzz Lightyear & Monsters.
His favorite food as of late is mac n cheese, Annie's of course so I feel slightly better about serving it so often.
He loves to play at the playground & swim in the pool but I'd say the beach is the best place for him to get his fill of sand & water.
He's very caring & loving, always hugging & kissing both Donna & I & his brothers. If he accidentally (or intentionally) hurts one of them he always offers a hug & kiss along with an apology.
He's also very polite & charms everyone he meets, once he warms up to them :)

1 comment:

  1. You sound like an absolute doll, Caden! You and my guy sound so much alike!
