
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bath Paint

Our days have been longer recently with the boys napping less & waking earlier. I'm really not sure why this is happening, I thought maybe the boys were losing the need for naps but they still get tired & cranky during the day & I NEED them to take naps so they are still taking them. Anyways these slightly longer days have required some creative ideas to keep the boys busy, especially since the weather has been so unpredictable & we really don't have many options for indoor play/entertainment here.

A while back I tried a bath paint recipe I found on Pinterest. It involved corn starch, baby shampoo & food coloring. It had a think consistency & the boys didn't care for it so this time I just added some food coloring to shaving cream & they loved it! 

I started them out with just the paint & brushes in the tub with no water so they could stand & paint as much of the walls as they liked. 

Once they were out of paint I added bath water to the tub to clean them up but they continued to play. They splattered water at the painted walls & watched the colors bleed together & transform into something that looked more like water colors.

They spent over an hour painting & playing in the tub. Garren asks just about everyday now to paint in the tub. It's an indoor activity that they really really enjoy & is saving is grey during the return of the witching hour.

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