
Monday, December 23, 2013

Long Lost Cousins

Lol... Well not really lost, it had just been a reeeally long time since we had seen each other.

Terry & I

Last week my cousin & his wife headed to Orlando for a little fun with Mickey Mouse. When they had their fill of the Magic Kingdom they headed to my parents place just outside Orlando. Little did my cousin know, his wife had asked my dad if there was any way my sister &/or I could make it to town to visit also. Well my sister already had Christmas plans with her in-laws but I was going to be home alone with the boys while FedEx dominated Donna's days leading up to Christmas. So we made plans to meet halfway, it just so happens that St Augustine is the halfway mark between my parents & us :)

So Saturday morning as soon as the boys woke up I handed them a cup a milk & a waffle & got everyone dressed & ready to head out the door at 8am (the boys wake up at 7, a lot to accomplish in just an hour, lol) I stopped for gas & we were on the highway...

Driving I-95 is pretty easy but it was the Saturday before Christmas & there were definitely more people heading into FL than were heading out. I got just across the state line & hit a traffic jam :( it's a big highway with plenty of lanes so I was sure we'd be off & running again in now time...
Well, we traveled 6 miles in the next 2 hours before we finally got past a tractor trailer that had spilled pallets of produce all over the highway but we finally made it to St Augustine just in time for lunch at one of my favorite places ever, The Columbia Restaurant. 

We had a great visit over lunch, it was the first time I had met Wanda, my cousins wife but she's one of those people that you feel like you've always known. Caden was being really really shy. He's had a little bit of a hard time lately with new people, he couldn't even sit at the table facing anyone (strangers in the restaurant) so I held him on my lap & he hid his face in my arm until I couldn't hang onto him anymore. He did manage to eat a little chicken with his head down under the table, lol...

Once we finished lunch & headed outside we found ourselves at a nice fountain. The boys were in heaven! It was a beautiful 83 degrees out so they splashed & played in the water (without getting in the fountain) & everyone was their happy, outgoing selves again. The boys got completely soaked & did a good job getting everyone else wet too. 

Grandma, Terry, Wanda, Kellan, Caden & Garren 

Wanda getting soaked by Caden

After we finished at there we walked over to the historic fort, wandered along the wall overlooking the water & found some nice grass to play in. The boys loved spending time with grandma & grandpa & they also LOVED playing with Wanda & Terry.

Kellan, Caden, Garren & Grandma

The boys would run up & back down the hill,
pouncing on Wanda & Grandma in between

I enjoyed seeing Terry & meeting Wanda, I love catching up with family & staying connected & of course showing off our beautiful boys :)

P.S. it took me less than an hour & a half to get home ;)

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