
Friday, November 1, 2013


I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween! We had so much fun this year with the boys!

This is the first Halloween that the boys really got to participate in, they were 6 months old their first Halloween & last year they had miserable colds & it was actually chilly here instead of 80 degrees.

Warning these photos are really bad, I forgot my camera & my phone didn't focus very well in the dark.
James, Thomas & Percy heading into the zoo

So for their first trick or treat experience we took them to Spooktacular at the zoo. We met up with my mom & bonus dad for dinner before hand & then they followed us down to the zoo. The zoo is about an hour away so we were prepared for the boys to be up WAY past their bedtimes. They did fantastic, they were perfect gentlemen at dinner, walked the whole zoo without any fuss or running off. They took in the sights & other costumes, intrigued by most of the fairies & princesses, do you the trend??? GIRLS! lol... They were quite smitten with themselves too in their Thomas the train & friends, Percy & James costumes. hey kept going ip to each other & calling each other by trains name, they would also point to the face on their own costume & say "it's Thomas" or James or Percy. I'm so happy that they liked & actually wore their costumes! 

Nana, Kellan as Thomas, Garren as Percy, Caden as James & Poppy

Garren decided to take a break from being Percy for a while, Donna decoded wearing the costume was easier than carrying it, lol...

Poppy (as the boys call him) & Kellan 

We stayed at the zoo until around 9, an hour already past bedtime. Kellan was the only one that showed any signs of being tired & he let us know by simply sitting down & then wanting to be carried. It was quite sweet :) Garren wanted to be held on & off thought the zoo, I think he just wanted to be able to see over the crowd. Caden never missed a beat, he was in heaven just being Thomas!

Kellan & Caden 

Donna carrying Kellan

We got home about 10:15 & had the boys changed & in bed by 11, only 3 hours past bedtime! Can anyone tell me though, why the later a toddler goes to bed, the earlier they wake up??? 

This is what we found when we checked on them before heading to bed ourselves. It's only the second time we have found 2 of the in the same bed, Kellan & Caden, kellan likes to snuggle <3

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