
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Speech Therapy Update

The boys have been doing great with talking since they have started speech therapy but I can't say that therapy itself has been good.

When we first started I knew it may take the therapist a couple weeks to find us a permanent spot on her schedule, in the meantime she was coming at 1pm, right at naptime. The boys were tired & cranky & it was a fight to get them to participate.
After a few weeks I really pushed for a different time & she told me the only other time she has was early morning. I thought that was better than fighting with 3 toddlers at nap time & agreed to 8:30am on Tuesdays & Fridays. 
This time was so much better for the boys, a pain for me to have everyone up, fed & dressed but at least it wasn't such a fight to get the boys to participate. All was great until she started coming late, rescheduling or canceling all together. This was happening at least once a week if not more & was always last minute (after getting the boys all up, fed & dressed.) At first I would reschedule for later in the day, even though I didn't understand how she had those times available since she only had 1pm or 8:30am available to schedule us??? After a few weeks I got tired of canceling our other plans & when she couldn't make it at her scheduled time I would tell her we weren't available later in the day.

Last week I had a "transition meeting" at the preschool the boys would need to go to if they still need speech therapy after they turn 3. I'm seriously hoping they don't! Well the school is not someplace that I would want the boys going to. I heard a lot of negative language "your bad," "what's wrong with you," "you're making bad decisions." I'm not saying its wrong, it's just not how Donna & I talk to the boys. I also witnessed a teachers aid grab a child by the & jerk him into line when he walked out of line. All of this on top of the school being in an area of town I wouldn't be comfortable in myself yet alone leaving the boys there for the day.
The third strike is that this speech company will o longer be taking our insurance after the first of the year & encouraged us to switch insurance companies, what?!?! I don't think so, not for what is just a temporary service.
Yesterday at the boys check-up with their doctor I expressed all my concerns. She agreed with me & said since our insurance is covering their speech therapy we do not need to use Early Intervention & she could refer us over to the children's hospitals services. YAY! She mentioned that it would not be home therapy that I would have to take them there for therapy, I am fine with that! I actually think it will be better to get them out of their own environment with all it's distractions. Plus I think office appointments will be more reliable & consistent.

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