
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Another Trip...

On Donna's first day back to work after our long 2 week vacation she got an email informing her she needed to attend a training class in Tampa the very next week. The training class was an entire week long :(

She really wasn't note resting in being away from home or work for another week but her only other choice was to attend the class in Houston the second week in October. Well she really wasn't interested in going to Houston & October would have been a really bad time since my sister's baby is due mid October :-/

Donna was also uncomfortable leaving me home alone with the boys for a week, with no help or family close by. My solution to that was to go to my dad's in Orlando for the week. I have lots of friends there & would have my dad & bonus mom home in the evenings for a little relief. I would also be close enough to take the boys to have dinner with Donna mid week.

So Sunday afternoon the boys & I headed to Orlando, the drive was uneventful.

Kellan with a snack, a drink & watching video on the drive

Playing in the dirt at Grandma & Grandpa's

Caden with his dirt covered face

An outdoor bath to get rid of all that dirt

Kellan snuggling with Grandpa

Monday my dad was off work, so he went with us to get a few groceries. He & Marie (my bonus mom) always keep us well fed & stocked up on snacks & treats when we visit, so this trip I decided I'd cook dinner since they would both be working.

A little pool time with Grandpa

Tuesday I decided the boys & I would hang out at the house, play in the yard, swim & get a good nap. I had big plans for Wednesday!!! :)

Wednesday we headed to Tampa to see our triplet BFFs. 

I've mentioned my good friend Jennifer before, we met online when we were both pregnant, we spent many late nights chatting while feeding 3 hungry babies & we still talk just about everyday while chasing crazy 2 year olds around. :) The kids all get along great & I think Jack likes to have some male bonding time with the boys since he is outnumbered 3 to 1 by girls. It's also nice for Jennifer & I to be able to have a face to face conversation every once in a while. About 2:30 Jennifer had to pick up her oldest daughter, Marley from school. I was going to sit with all 6 kids while she went to get her but my nap dictator, Kellan sounded his nap alarm (screamy sort of cry) just as we were discussing it, so I decided to take the boys for a ride so they'd cat nap while she took her kiddos along to pick up Marley. We met back up for a little more playtime & then I headed to meet up with Donna for dinner.

A bunch of kids with a bunch of gadgets!

Caden checking out what the girls have


Playing outside

Snack time

Their friends wore them out...

& they seem to have worn their friends out too :)

Thursday the boys & I slept late after getting home late Wednesday night. We played at the house again in hopes of another good nap day (they are hot & miss when we are away from home) because grandma & grandpa had a treat for us after work... Post on that to come :)

Kellan discovered the dishwasher & thought
it made a nice step up to the counter

Friday we headed home right after breakfast & as much clean-up as I could do while being chased by 3 2 year olds undoing everything I tried to do, lol... It was another uneventful drive & we are all happy to be sleeping in our own beds again.

Eason enjoying having a seat off the floor

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