
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Air Mattress Fun

Every since we visited my friend & fellow triplet (+1) mommy, Jennifer, the boys have been bouncing all over the place. Just in case you missed the details of that visit, Jennifer's oldest daughter is a gymnast. The boys were quite smitten with her... & her flips & jumps.

Rather than have the boys bouncing (& falling off) the couch we decided to blow up the air mattress. They LOVE it & bounce non stop. Yesterday to get it out of the way while I vacuumed I stood it up on end in the entry way. Well a leaning air mattress is just as fun as one on the floor & the boys spend quite a bit of time running in & out from behind it & then sitting under it having some sort of meeting (probably plotting the dining room table climb.) It didn't take too long either before they had part of it flat on the floor so they could bounce.

These photos are blurry but still fun...


  1. They look like they're having a blast! I love how kids can make anything fun!

    ps. I have to set up my 'recipes' page. Soon!!

  2. Yay!! The boys prob want us to load up the mat to bring to their party ;)

  3. well it is a really beautiful blog. you have made. really impressed by your work.
    Buy single or double mattress
