
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Adjusted Age No More

Last week the boys had their last check up based on their adjusted age, as of last week their adjusted age was 21 months. As of their second birthday (next week) they will officially stop using their adjusted age & move them to a full term BMI chart. It's odd how it just stops, that at the age of 2 they are suddenly "caught up." Not that they have ever really been delayed.

So their final stats for their adjusted age are...
Garren: 26lbs, 34.25", 95th % for both
Kellan: 32lbs, 35.25", 97th % for both
Caden: 31lbs 11oz, 36", 97th % for weight & 99th % for height.

Kellan, Garren & Caden
The nurse said that never in her 20+ years has she ever met a single 11 week premature baby that measured so high, let alone a set of multiples.

Caden, Kellan & Garren
We go in a couple weeks for the boys' 2 year check up, I don't expect any change really in their weights or heights but will be interested to see what these percentages end up being for their actual age.

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  1. Love those big boys!! They will be high in actual too I'm sure. They (atleast k&c in weight) are bigger than all of the babies friends who are already 2! :)
