
Friday, February 22, 2013

Just As We're Getting Started...

For about a month now, the boys & I have been going to the gym about 3 mornings a week.

They have "child watch" there which has been great for the boys! They get to socialize & play with other kids of all different ages & it gets them out of the house & to a place they can be let loose (not strapped into a cart or wagon) to burn some energy.

I have also enjoyed a little me time & meeting other stay at home moms in the area. I feel loads better since I've started working out & have even lost a few of the PPD pounds I've gained.

Our time will be cut short though, I found out on Monday that they will be eliminating child watch :(

I've talked to some of the other moms & no one knows what they are going to do aside from cancel their memberships.
There is a YMCA here, they wouldn't let Donna & I join as a family with the boys because our marriage isn't legal here but since talking with some of the other moms, it turns out it isn't a great place for the kids anyways.

I'm hoping the gym changes their mind as they lose memberships or that maybe another gym in the area will pick up child watch to gain new members but in the meantime we will continue to go, meet new friends & hopefully find some other activites at least for the kids.

What are some things that you do with your little ones? What resources have you used to find local activities geared towards younger kids? We are still pretty new to this area & don't know all the in & outs yet :)


  1. That's too bad about the gym. I hope that they change their mind!

    We have Early Years Drop-in Centres here. They usually run from 9am-1pm and have some structure to their mornings. They're great for socialization and burning energy. I also found a few indoor playgrounds recently. With winter being so cold and icy this year, it has been tough letting them run outside so the indoor playgrounds are perfect (and contained!). Could you start a weekly play group with the moms you met at the gym? I had a group like that for the girls first year. There were 6 of us and we rotated houses each week.

    1. I was actually thinking of asking some of them if they'd want to start a playgroup :)

      It's hard here because it is a smaller town so not as many resources as one would like. I wish we had an indoor playground, that is exactly what I need, containment!!!

  2. That is double lame :( I'm probably not much help, but just got involved with our local ECFE. That'd be a good way to meet other moms and get out at least, not so much of a break though. Also, check out libraries? Maybe you already have :)

  3. Peyton and I just started Gymboree. It's an awesome way to get her out and about to hang out with kids her age and explore. She started walking there just a week ago! I highly recommend that if you are looking for something to do. I was just there at open gym with Peyton and there was a woman there with triplets about your boys' age. I don't know how she does the classes, but open gym was probably a relief for her to let them burn their energy!

  4. That really sucks. I hope they change their minds.

    We have a gymnastics center in town the does a preschool open gym every week. It's only $2/kid and the best $6 I spend each week. They have a blast and sleep so we'll that afternoon.

    1. Sarah, we just went to open gym this morning & loves it!!! I wish it were only $2 here but it's $10 per kid, it won't be a weekly treat but maybe every other :)
