
Saturday, November 17, 2012

World Prematurity Day

Today is World Prematurity Day. A day to bring awareness to the number one killer of babies worldwide.

LOVE the buildings lit up in purple for
World Prematurity Day

From the moment we found out we were having triplets, preterm labor was our #1 concern. I would like to say my pregnancy was bliss but honestly while I really loved being pregnant, I was plagued with fear everyday. I was overly aware of my body, I was constantly on guard, watching & waiting for signs of preterm labor. It was inevitable with carrying 3 babies, I just needed to be aware so I could get to the hospital in time. Once I was admitted at 26 weeks because my cervix had become too short, the stress of waiting & watching lessened. There were doctors & nurses monitoring the babies & myself 24/7. It is a scarey ride, even once the babies are born, they struggle to breathe, eat, digest food, fight infection & simply grow. Donna & I were very very fortunate that our boys had very few of these problems & now at 18 months you wouldn't even know they arrived 11 weeks too early.

Caden (left) 3 lbs 10 oz,
Kellan (top) 3 lbs 5 oz,
Garren (bottom) 3 lbs 3 oz
Born at 29 weeks 4 days

We are fortunate to have organizations like the March of Dimes that continue to research & spread awareness on premature births. We were also very lucky to be in a place that had not one but 2 of the best NICUs on the east coast.

Kellan (top,) Caden (bottom) & Garren
5 days old, this was the first time we were able to hold Garren do to an infection

Today I remember my friends who have lost their babies to premature birth & those who's babies fought to overcome prematurity.