
Thursday, November 29, 2012

19 Months Old

Wow, This past month really has been a whirlwind!!! Two trips to the parents in FL & a holiday has really caused us to lose track of time.

I don't know if it was all the extra interaction with family or what but the boys have really blossomed this past month verbally. They try to repeat just about everything we say & even though Caden still says the least he is talking a lot more.

The boys are also verbally identifying things like bananas, dogs & balls. They also lay down & stick their feet up in the air at the sight of socks, it's just become cool enough here to start wearing socks around the house again, so they may have done it at an earlier age but we're not big socks in the summer people ;)

 Garren looking adorable in his jeans & flannel shirt
He's destine to have a mohawk!

Garren has started singing. He doesn't say the actual words but he uses his own & you can usually make out what song it is. He likes "If You're Happy & You Know It" and he claps when we sing it or when he sings it. He's so funny!

Kellan struttin' his stuff!!!

Kellan cracks himself up a good part of the time. He walks around swinging his arm & just starts cracking up laughing when you look at him. He leans forward & slaps his leg like he just can't contain himself. Another one that is just too funny!

After falling twice this particular morning, Caden planted himself on the couch & just stared at the tv.

Caden has been a bit more serious lately. He's talking up a storm & still loves to chase his brothers & laugh but he also spends some time sitting on the couch with his arm up & his legs crossed looking like he is in deep thought, usually he's just watch Mickey's Clubhouse though :)

All 3 of the boys are super lovable. They love to sit & snuggle or give hugs & kisses. Kellan is usually the one to try & hug his brothers but Garren has been the one more recently laying on his brothers or trying to get a hug or snuggle in. There's nothing sweeter than seeing them love each other, or comfort each other.

So happy I get to be home experiencing this everyday!!!

Each of the boys has such a distinct personality & they are becoming the most fun & comical little people. I'm really enjoying this time with them.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Times Two

We haven't done it in years, travel to different places to celebrate the same holiday twice that is. We usually like to alternate holidays but this year with my bonus dad and mother in law's health being tricky we did what we could to spend time with everyone.

We started our holiday weekend with Thanksgiving dinner at my mom & bonus dad's house. We had a fantastic dinner & a fun afternoon with my sister, brother in law, nephew, bonus brother & of course mom & bonus dad. 

 Our attempt at a family photo with 4 running toddlers, lol...
 Myself, Autumn & Rick
 Donna showing Garren how to hit the ball...
 He was determined to figure it out!!!
Caden LOVED his cousins "Bubble Mower"
Think we might need to add 3 of these to their Christmas list.
 Kellan playing peek-a-boo behind the tree
 My nephew, Chandler
 Donna & the boys
The boys
Friday after Donna got off of work we headed down to FL to celebrate with my dad & bonus mom & Donna's parents. We had our second fantastic Thanksgiving dinner Saturday & another extraordinary day with family.

 Grandpa Tilyou
 Bashful Grandpa Whittenburg
 Garren & Julie
(Garren is our resident dog whisperer)

Grandma Tilyou & Caden

 Grandma Tilyou playing with Caden & Kellan
 Kellan was cracking himself up just pulling grass & throwing it, lol...

 Pretty girl, Haddie
I thought this was a great photo of Garren with Haddie & really thought it was HYSTERICAL with Chucky pooping in the background!!!
 Donna & Garren going for a tractor ride

 Grandma Whittenburg & Caden

 Donna taking Caden for a tractor ride.
It was a super fast, super busy holiday weekend, but so worth it to see our boys with all of their grandparents.

A beautiful fall day in FL

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving too!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

18 Month Photo Shoot

I'm SOOO excited to finally get our photos back from the session we had in Florida while we were there on vacation!!!

This is the first time we have had photos done of the boys since they are all walking & what fun it was {insert sarcasm here, lol}

We met at a park & as soon as the boys feet hit the ground they were off & running. Thankfully my dad & bonus mom decided to tag along at the last minute or we would have been in BIG trouble!!!

Kellan was determined to get to the lake, while Garren just wanted to pick up & touch everything. Caden just wanted to roam. Of course none of them wanted to go in the same direction.

The photographer, my good friend Becky, was fantastic at catching them in their element. She's also a mom & knew just the right tricks & suggestions to get them to sit together even if just temperarily.

Well enough of the chatter, here are the photos...

 Garren, Caden & Kellan with myself & Donna
 Caden, Garren & Kellan


 LOVE this face!

 In constant motion.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

World Prematurity Day

Today is World Prematurity Day. A day to bring awareness to the number one killer of babies worldwide.

LOVE the buildings lit up in purple for
World Prematurity Day

From the moment we found out we were having triplets, preterm labor was our #1 concern. I would like to say my pregnancy was bliss but honestly while I really loved being pregnant, I was plagued with fear everyday. I was overly aware of my body, I was constantly on guard, watching & waiting for signs of preterm labor. It was inevitable with carrying 3 babies, I just needed to be aware so I could get to the hospital in time. Once I was admitted at 26 weeks because my cervix had become too short, the stress of waiting & watching lessened. There were doctors & nurses monitoring the babies & myself 24/7. It is a scarey ride, even once the babies are born, they struggle to breathe, eat, digest food, fight infection & simply grow. Donna & I were very very fortunate that our boys had very few of these problems & now at 18 months you wouldn't even know they arrived 11 weeks too early.

Caden (left) 3 lbs 10 oz,
Kellan (top) 3 lbs 5 oz,
Garren (bottom) 3 lbs 3 oz
Born at 29 weeks 4 days

We are fortunate to have organizations like the March of Dimes that continue to research & spread awareness on premature births. We were also very lucky to be in a place that had not one but 2 of the best NICUs on the east coast.

Kellan (top,) Caden (bottom) & Garren
5 days old, this was the first time we were able to hold Garren do to an infection

Today I remember my friends who have lost their babies to premature birth & those who's babies fought to overcome prematurity.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Future Calvin Klein Models...

No need for words, just cuteness in jeans...

Caden, Kellan & Garren
 Caden & Kellan

This was pre first hair cuts :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Missing Mama

Tuesday afternoon Donna got a call from her dad saying that her mom was being admitted to the hospital with a "mass" on her lung. She hadn't felt well for about a week or so & had gone for bloodwork & an x-ray earlier in the day. She was told to go home, pack a bag & head to the hospital. At the time they didn't know what the "mass" was & we all feared the worst.

Donna left work right away & I tried my hardest to get everything together for us all to leave right away. It was a task too large to accomplish on such short notice. I knew that Donna was extremely anxious to get to her mom. So I told her to go ahead down & the boys & I would head down on Wednesday.

Luckily before the night was over we learned that her mom just had pneumonia. Not that pneumonia is any good but we were so relieved it wasn't cancer.

Donna arrived to the hospital about 10pm. I spent Tuesday night & Wednesday morning doing laundry & getting us all packed. Even though the boys don't require a bunch of equipment, ie: swings, bouncers, jumpy things, it still seems like we pack the entire house for trips. The boys & I arrived at my parents Wednesday afternoon.

I stayed with my parents to have a little extra help while Donna stayed with her dad at night & her mom during the day. We visited during the day but tried to keep our night time routine the same.

We only took the boys up to see Grandma Tilyou once, she needed to rest & the boys are into everything & all over the place.

Grandma was very happy see them :)

This is the first time Donna has been away overnight from the boys & I since they came home from the NICU. Overall the boys did ok, each of the 4 nights she was away, one of them would wake up shortly after falling to sleep & need some extra snuggles. Kellan seemed to be the most affected by her absence, he acted a little home sick, all of a sudden his chin would quiver & he would cry a sad little cry & just need to be held.

Donna & I took the boys to a park close to the hospital so they could burn a little energy.


My bonus mom took us to see some horses around the corner from where they live.

Caden, Garren & Kellan, G thought is was a big dog, lol...

Tina, Donna's mom was able to go home Saturday. Donna helped her get settled in & then my parents & the boys & I met Donna & a dear friend, Rosemary, for dinner. Donna came back to my parents Saturday night & Kellan was so happy to have his Mama back, everybody was but Kellan was especially giddy & stayed by her side until the boys finally went to bed (an hour late.)

We headed home Sunday after lunch.