
Friday, August 24, 2012

Peanut Butter

We took the plunge & let the boys try peanut butter for the first time. I know peanut butter can be a serious allergen that can also be genetic.

We have no family history of nut allergies.

While I don't plan on feeding the boys peanut butter sandwiches for lunch everyday, it would be a convenient food to pack for days when we are out during lunch or snack time. Buying 3 kids meals gets expensive & they usually aren't very healthy, not to mention the time it takes to stop, set up, feed & clean up for 3. I'm excited about the peanut butter sandwich possibilities, haha!

Here is what the boys thought...










I think they really liked it!!!

No one had any adverse effects but we will use the 4 day rule just like we did with all their other "first foods."

 K, G, C

 G & C being silly!!!

K & G, Garren has been quite the milk theif lately, but at least he offered Kellan his cup back, lol...

1 comment:

  1. We intro'd PB recently too and they seem to like it. They'll lick it off crackers. Or smear it all over the high chair....
