
Friday, May 18, 2012

1st Birthday Party

I've been holding off on writing about the boys' 1st Birthday Party, I wanted to have lots of photos from the occasion. 

I must start by saying THANK YOU to my friend Karen for spending the entire day photographing the boys, the party & all that went on throughout the day. She did a fantastic job, took a ton of photos & has been working on editing photos every since the party (almost a month ago now.) There are still more photos to come, I will post again when I have them all :)

The party was great, we had a lot of friends come to celebrate the boys 1st year, most were just meeting them for the first time. The boys did fantastic having so many people & so much activity all at once. Garren was a bit clingy & unsure at first, but he warmed right up & visited with everyone.

Garren & I



Garren & I

The boys ate hamburgers & hot dogs for the first time along with other things I'm sure I don't know about. They were being fed by everyone!!! We opened gifts & then had cake. Kellan dove right in, he loved the icing & shoveled it in until it was dripping from his chin. Garren & Caden were a little slow to start but with a little direction they both ate their fair share & made quite the mess. Garren even rubbed icing through his hair :D




The bunting I made for the boys


The boys weren't the only triplets or set of multiples at their birthday party. Our friends the Bouchers came for the occasion, it was the first time we all met in person. Jennifer & I met online when we were both pregnant. We had our triplets are just 2 1/2 weeks apart & spent many of sleepless nights chatting on facebook while feeding 3 babies. A couple that Donna & my bonus mom, Marie, works with came to the party too with their twins & older daughter.

Mike, Jennifer, Marley 
& the triplets, Marissa, Makayla & Jack


Garren & Marissa


Heather & Nate (one of the twins)


It was a really great day!!! We loved seeing all of our friends, family & co-workers, introducing the boys & celebrating with those that are nearest & dearest to our hearts.

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