
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1 Year Check-Up

Garren, Caden & Kellan had their 1 year check-up Monday. This was also their last appointment with their amazing pediatrician, Dr Heinrich, in Winston-Salem. I am a very sentimental person, so saying goodbye to someone who has played such an important role in our baby boys' lives was very hard! I also don't know how we will ever find another doctor who can fill her shoes.

Aside from knowing this appointment was our last being hard, it was day one of the movers being in our apartment, which meant no nap time for the boys. When it became apparent the boys were not going to be able to sleep at the apartment (about 10am) I loaded them into the van & took them for a long drive. Kellan & Garren napped great in the van, Caden only slept about a half hour.

Once the boys woke up, we went to see some of their friend at the NICU & drop off a bag of hats I had made. We had a nice visit with a few people there & I also went by antepartum to show off the boys to some of the nurses that took care of me.

After this stop we headed to the pediatricians office. I knew their appointment was scheduled pretty close to their nap time, but they are usually good for about an hour past nap time before they start falling apart. Well not today, not after taking their morning nap in the van!!! Pretty much as soon as we got to their room, the boys started fussing. As soon as Dr H arrived the boys were full fledged crying, making going over their stats & being examined very difficult. To top off this visit the boys also had to have blood drawn & 5 shots a piece. Fortunately, they were so exhausted from crying so much, they settled right down in their stroller & fell to sleep as soon as I started the van to go home.

Well here are the boys BIG 1 year old stats...

Garren is 20 lbs 13.8oz & 28.25" long. He is in the 50th %. 

Caden is 23 lbs 4.2oz & 29" long. He is in the 75-90th %.

And our new biggest boy, Kellan is 23 lbs 10oz & 29.25" long. He is in the 90th %.

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1 comment:

  1. what big guys! they could crush my itty bitties haha glad they handled their shots well :)The twins haven't had shots in so long, I'm not looking forward to it next month!
