
Monday, September 26, 2011

Hookin' for Helmets

Well what a busy week last week ended up being. We started with our visit to "the helmet man" for the news we expected... all 3 boys need plagiocephaly helmets & the news we did not expect... our insurance doesn't cover the helmets & the doctors office wants payment up front :(

We started out thinking we could find some used helmets on eBay or Craigslist or through some of our Mothers of Multiples friends. I posted our dilemma on facebook in hopes that someone had a used helmet they no longer needed. We also had a friend that started contacting different local organizations to see if they could help. I emailed Shriners, Easter Seals & a few others... none of them helped with plagiocephaly :( In the meantime I decided to have a fundraising "sale" on my Just Hookin' facebook page. I put all of my "in stock" merchandise into one album, called it
"Hookin' for Helmets" and marked it all down for quick sales. I advertised it & asked all of my friends, family & fellow facebook business page owners to pass it along. Within minutes I had sales!!! Sales & comments & suggestions!!! I was overwhelmed with just how many people did pass along the info & just how many people wanted to help. People we had never met!!! We also started receiving offers for donations. Unbelievable!!! I am so impressed with humanity right now.

Well needless to say, I have been crocheting like crazy!!! Not only have we sold a lot of in stock merchandise, but I've received just as many orders for new items :) I was already in the process of making new hats for the coming season, so I am busy busy busy keeping up with it all in between taking care of the boys.

For those of you who didn't know... I had a shop on Etsy, actually I still do but didn't sell much from Etsy & was paying fees to list my stuff, so I started a facebook page for my business, it was free and the only fees I pay now are to Paypal :) I'm able to advertise on facebook, network, & get my business out there through other friends and family. I haven't been selling since I went into the hospital, but a couple weeks ago I decided to start taking a few orders for the upcoming season. I bought some new patterns to try & little did I know I would be using my little side business to raise money for our boys.
Here are some examples of my work...

Baby Hats & Diaper Covers
Elf Hats for all ages
Props for Photographers
Baby Blankets & More Hats
Lush Scarves for Children & Adults
Festive Scarves for all ages
Ruffled Scarves for Children & Adults
Keep an eye out for many new items to come & Thank you to everyone that has made a purchase, a donation, or both & to those of you that have "shared" my page and passed the word along. We have the greatest friends and family & are so grateful for each & every one of you!!!

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