
Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Week To Go... Possibly...

Well we had a busy weekend. The boys went from 2 bottles a day to 4 bottles a day, thats a bottle every other feeding :) They were little champs with the increase, so tomorrow they will go to 6 bottles a day. The goal is to get them to all bottle feeds, 8 bottles a day, by the end of the week. If they get it done
We have so much to do before we are ready!!!

When the boys were born and first went into the NICU we were told that when it got close to them being ready to go home they would have a 7 day countdown. They would have to go that 7 days maintaining their body temperatures, eating all meals by bottle, breathing on their own, and not have any episodes (apnea.) Well our boys have been doing all that with the exception of the bottle feeding, so we will not have a 7 day countdown. We also wouldn't have known this if we hadn't asked about the countdown this weekend, HA!!!

So after asking the countdown question, the "paperwork lady" showed up with consents for us to sign for the boys circumcisions and to have their photos done. We were also asked to bring in their car seats for their car seat test (they have to sit in the car seats for 90 min. without having any episodes.) I was also asked if I would consider being a breast milk donor. I make more than enough milk for our boys and have a surplus of milk at the hospital. Funny they asked, Donna and I had talked about it earlier that day and once I have enough of a back-up supply stored, I would be more than happy to donate my excess milk.

We wanted to do something to show our appreciation for all of the amazing care we all have received from the hospital, Donna has looked into volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House/Room a couple Saturdays a month. I would love to volunteer, but I don't think I will have the time with 3 babies at home, so donating milk is how I will pay it forward :)

Here are their 23 & 24 day old photos... (they are 33 weeks gestation today)

Garren napping on his side, 3 lbs 14.3 oz
Garren stretching it all out
Kellan, our newest 4 pounder!!!
Caden, 4 lbs 6 oz
Caden, stretching his legs one at a time
Kellan stretching it all out
Kellan, 4 lbs 0.4 oz


  1. How exciting and scary at the same time! A very good kind of scary though :) The 2 of you have done an amazing job so far and I know that these boys are extremely lucky to have you both as parents!!

  2. I hope you arnt too anxious, I know you want them home BUT are they ready??

  3. Awesome job boys! Keep it up!

    I think it's great you want to donate milk...but you can also never have enough milk! I had my freezer full with only one baby! After 15 mths of nursing, I mixed breast milk in with cereal. It's liquid hoard away!!!

    Give some...keep ALOT!

  4. Oh my goodness, they are too precious! Seeing them in their fuzzy clothing makes them look so very cuddle-able.

    Congratulations to Kellan for making it to four pounds! And to the mamas for getting ready to bring their boys home!

  5. Thank you everyone!!!

    Aunt Onalee, they won't release them until they are ready.

    Jessica, as of tonight I have a 2 week supply/surplus of milk in the NICU, they told me not to bring anymore milk in. Now I'm just stocking my freezer... The donor bank won't even take my milk until I have at least 100 oz per baby stored for myself. I'll have that by friday, lol...

  6. Wow...your like a cow! Haha! That's AWESOME!
