
Friday, April 1, 2011

The Biggest Triplets The Dr Has Ever Seen...

Today we went for our 25 week growth scan.
The boys are all doing great.
Of course Baby A gave us another good look at his face, Baby B is still head down and face down, so no good pics of him, and we got a good profile shot of Baby C. Unfortunately we only got the prints today, our CD was full & none of us realized it :(
They all also had good heart rates and have gained a great amount of weight! Baby A is 2 lbs 4oz, Baby B is 2 lbs 5 oz, & Baby C is 2 lbs 3oz. The ultrasound tech said they are big boys measuring in the 66th percentile. That weight also puts them measuring 2 weeks ahead. And just in case you didn't add all that up, the 3 boys weights equal one full term baby.
When the doctor came in to go over the ultrasound he said these were "the biggest triplets he has ever seen!"
It is all good news for the boys considering they will be premature and the extra weight will help them out in the long run.

The doctor also talked to me about my calorie intake, he wants me to get 2800 - 3000 calories  a day regardless of the diabetes situation. He said they will control my sugar with insulin, but I needed the calories no matter what for the boys.

They are also sending us to fetal cardiac specialist. There is nothing wrong with any of their hearts that they can see, but the ultrasound techs cannot get really good views of all three, so they want the specialist to try. The doctor said the specialist may or may not get a better view, but he wanted to give them a shot.


  1. I'm so glad that the boys weights are good! What a blessing! Hang in there! I hope you're feeling okay! :) Elizabeth (Multiple McLambs)

  2. Good to hear that things are going well. Good Golly Ms Molly and Balls of Fire... BIG BOYS enjoy BIG TOYS! LOL

    Thanks for all the updates. Keep doing good and remember we LUV YA's
    Aunt Pat & Aunt Ro
