
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Two Days Old...

Today we got to hold Kellan for the first time today :D
He is doing very well. He's still taking a little oxygen through a canula (nose prongs) His feedings are going very well, he is up to 7cc of milk tonight.
We also got to take his temperature and change his diaper tonight. He squirmed and fussed as Donna took his temp. It was just under his arm, but he didn't want to keep his arm down and he told her about it. He also screamed for me as I tried to change his diaper. It ended up taking both if us to do it. He's so tiny, you feel like you are going to break him and he throws his legs all over the place when you are trying to get the new diaper on, lol. I'm sure we will get plenty of practice before the boys get to leave here!!!

Mama & Kellen
Doesn't she look amazing as a mom?!
Mommy & Kellen
Caden is doing well also. He still needs no assistance with breathing and he is also getting 7cc at his feedings.
He is jaundice however and had to go on light therapy today. They tell us it is very normal for preemies and he may be on the light for a day or two and come off... he may have to go back on again. It's just a thing with preemies :) He is very cute as a glow worm though...

The light pack goes directly on him under his clothes or blanket

Garren is doing good too. He is still on oxygen through a canula (nose prongs) & he is also doing very well with feedings. 
We haven't got to hold him yet, but we will see about that tomorrow.
We feel so awful about him being all the way at the other end of NICU away from his brothers, who are together :( The nurses said they are working on moving him closer, but it may take some time...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Snips & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails, That's What Little Boys Are Made Of

Well Garren, Caden, and Kellan decided yesterday, April 28th 2011, to make their 'Grand Entrance'

It all started wednesday evening. Donna arrived after work for her nightly visit. Shortly after arriving she asked me what was wrong as I grunted and groaned trying to find a comfortable position to sit or lay in. I told her I just couldn't get comfortable & had felt uncomfortable all afternoon. She asked if I had told the nurse & I had not, I didn't have a specific complaint so I didn't mention it. Just as we were having this conversation the nurses changed shifts and my night nurse came in & overheard what we were talking about. She stuck a contraction monitor on me & called for the doctor to come check me. I wasn't having any regular contractions but I was dilated, 3cm at that point. I won a trip back to labor & delivery. I would spend the night there being monitored to see if I went into active labor. It would be considered active labor if I reached 4cm.

Poor Donna... she had changed out of her uniform before she came to the hospital but she had not showered & now she wouldn't be leaving until we knew for sure if I was delivering the babies or not. When we got to my room in L&D, we were pleasantly surprised to find my favorite nurse from when I was first admitted, YAY!!! We asked if Donna could shower in my room & she said of course. So Donna was at least able to get rid of the FedEx smell & be comfortable, well as comfortable as one can be on a hospital sofa bed, for the night.

I continued to dilate through the night every so slowly. By 7am, the next shift change, I was 4 to 5cm but the night doctor thought they would wait until I was closer to 6cm before delivering???

The daytime doctors and nurses came in and started their assessments, the doctor checked me again & said I was 5cm but that they probably would wait until I was 6cm. With that said, Donna & I prepared for a long day... I said to Donna in front of the doctor, that a couple days ago I couldn't get the 28th out of my head. I couldn't figure out if it was someones birthday... or an anniversary... Donna couldn't think of anything on that date either except some friends of ours sons birthday. A few minutes later the doctor showed back up and said "you know how you said you couldn't get the 28th out of your head? Thats going to be your babies birthday." She explained that they didn't want to wait any longer and were ready to proceed with a c-section. We said ok and I asked "what time?" she said NOW, they are setting up the operating room and anesthesia was on their way. Holy Crap!!!

one last belly pic 29 weeks 4 days
Surgery went well, no complications at all, whew... we were a little nervous about that.
Babies all came out kicking and crying, what a wonderful sound that was!!!

Baby A, who was Baby B on ultrasound is now Caden, he was born first @ 10:14am, he weighs 3lbs 10oz and is 18" long, thats right 18" long!!!

They all came out kicking & crying
In the operating room
April 28th, 2011
April 29th, 2011

Baby B, who was Baby C on ultrasound is now Kellan, our middle baby born @ 10:16am, he weighs 3lbs 5oz and is 16" long.

April 28th, 2011
April 29th, 2011

Baby C, who was Baby A our super model on ultrasound is now Garren, he's the tiniest little guy born @ 10:19am, he weighs 3lbs 3oz and is 16" long.

April 28th, 2011
April 29th, 2011

Donna did very well in surgery as well. I really thought she would faint or be a little woozy, lol... But she watched each of the babies being born and even managed to snap some pictures. She was very cute running around the operating room in her marshmallow suit over her pi's cutting the babies cords.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two Weeks Now...

I've been in the hospital now for 2 weeks. The outlook is the same, have to stay until 1. I have them or 2. I get far enough that the boys are big enough to not just fall out. That sounds funny I know, but that is why I'm here, because they are too small and my cervix is too thin to hold them in.

I'm trying to stay busy, crocheting, painting (thank you Karin for the care package) reading magazines and of course EATING, lol. And the doctors and nurses keep me busy, checking vitals every couple hours, checking babies heart rates every few hours, bringing me meds, checking my sugar, drawing blood... you get the idea :)

I also had my Birthday here yesterday. It's not the most ideal place to have a Birthday, but the nurses made the most of it for me. They got me an ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery and a card and some balloons. The kitchen tried to provide a special lunch, but lets face it, hospital food is hospital food, lol. I did however enjoy my leftovers from Easter dinner :)

I've always been a Carvel girl, but this cake was AMAZING!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

29 Weeks on Easter!!!

We've made it one more week with boys where they need to be... WOOHOO 29 Weeks!!!
It's been a pretty decent week considering where I am. The babies are doing fantastic. Their heart rates get checked every 4 hours and are always good. They kick up a storm and try to get away from the monitors, giving the nurses hell when it comes to tracking them. They are definitely Donna's kids!!! lol...
My blood pressure has remained normal. I HAVE ANKLES AGAIN!!! My blood sugar levels are good and my contractions remain irregular and not painful. I tried to convince the nurses that I don't really have pre-eclampsia or diabetes, but I think they are choosing to believe the doctors over me :P

Who knew you could outgrow a maternity shirt?!

Baby C making my belly lop-sided

We also had a good Easter. A friend of ours here brought us Easter dinner to the hospital. It was fantastic and a feast!!! We had ham, deviled eggs, mac & cheese, asparagus, potatoes, yeast rolls, pretzel salad, lemon meringue pie & brownies, whew... couldn't eat it all, but I'll definitely be snacking on it for the next couple of days :) Thank you Cherie!!!
I hope all of you also had a terrific Easter

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bio Physical Profile...

We had an ultrasound tonight called a Bio Physical Profile. It was to see how the boys are doing. They checked their fluid levels, heart rates, movements, and breathing. Who new they were breathing in all that fluid? It's practice breathing, but still? They each scored 8 of 8 points. Baby C had the hiccups & held out to very last minute to take his breath, but he did it and they are all doing great!!!

Donna is going to bring my camera this weekend, so hopefully I can get some photos posted...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Week Already...

I've been here a week now and being in the hospital, as relaxing as it may sound, is not fun and there is nothing relaxing about it at all. There are doctors and nurses poking and prodding at me around the clock. But it is one more week we have kept the boys safe inside!!! :)

I asked the doctor today what the game plan is? I knew I had to stay because my cervix is paper thin, but I wasn't really sure what exactly we were waiting for to happen. Apparently with my cervix as thin as it is and the babies being the size they are, I wouldn't have to dilate completely for them to come out and we definitely don't want to give birth at home or somewhere besides the hospital. The plan is to keep me here until 1. I dilate to the point that the babies have to be born (4-5cm / active labor) or 2. the babies get big enough that they couldn't be born without some effort on my part (dilated & pushing.) The latter of the two is unlikely considering where I'm already at, so I will most likely be here until the boys arrive.

I want what is best for the boys, but it is really hard being here, thinking about all the stuff that needs to be done at home, even though I know it can wait. It is also really hard being apart from Donna and the pups!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

28 Weeks Pregnant... WooHoo!!!

I cried this afternoon when Donna said "today starts our 3rd trimester." Tears of joy of course and maybe a little worry. We made it to the oh so important milestone of 28 weeks. If the boys were born today, they have a very good chance of survival. Although the longer they cook the better they will be, every day they stay in is significant. It has taken me most of the week, but I finally have my head wrapped around the possibility of the boys coming this early. I still want them to bake a bit longer, but I know they are healthy and if they have to come, they will be okay.

"Here are some multiple-pregnancy milestones: 
  • The first major milestone is 24 weeks: the threshold of viability. Babies born this early will likely spend at least three months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and a third of them will survive with no long-term problems.
  • The second milestone is 28 weeks, when viability skyrockets. Ninety percent of babies who make it to this stage of gestation survive. Long-term complications — including cerebral palsy, vision and breathing problems — are still a possibility, however.
  • The next milestone is 32 to 34 weeks. Babies born now generally have an excellent chance of survival, without any major long-term complications, though they might not have full lung maturity (which generally occurs between 33 and 37 weeks) and will need to spend time in the NICU.  Some babies born at this stage may require oxygen to help them breathe, while others may need to be fed through a nasogastric tube (which runs through the nose into the stomach). “Super-twins” (triplets or more) almost always spend time in a NICU, but if you can get past that 32-week mark, chances are excellent that the babies will be healthy." 

I do have some 28 week belly pics, but Donna took my camera home, so when she comes tomorrow, I will add the photos... let me tell you, they are sexy in my hospital gown, lol...

and here they are...

Busy Bees...

Well Donna dropped my Dad off at the airport this morning :( I was very sad to say goodbye last night. Even though this week didn't go as planned, it was nice to have him here & to see him everyday.

While I laid here in bed all week Donna kept Dad busy...
They never let on to me, but apparently they got just about the whole apartment painted. Donna still has some finishing touches to do in the nursery, but from what I can see in pictures they did a very nice job!!! :)

Here are a few shots of the nursery in progress...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Staying A While...

It looks like I have found a new home for the duration of my pregnancy.

I had an ultrasound this morning, The boys are doing fantastic!!! Baby A & B are up to 2lbs 12oz & Baby C is 2lbs 10oz. Since this ultrasound was done here at the hospital, I have no pics to share :( But we did get to see each of their faces in 3D, Baby B finally cooperated :)

They also measured my cervix on ultrasound... Not such great news there, it measured less than half a centimeter, so there isn't much holding the boys in anymore. Good news is I'm not contracting, so I'm not in labor, but I have to stay here for the doctors to monitor the situation.
They said there is no way to predict how long my body will hold onto the boys. Not being in labor is a good sign, but nothing indicates when it could happen...

The doctors also finally decided I do have pre-eclampsia. My blood pressure is good, but I do have protein & my feet & legs are swollen. As long as my blood pressure stays down, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming. I will post again when I have more news.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Back In The Hospital...

I woke up late monday night with bad pains in my lower belly and in the right side of my lower back. Honestly I thought it was bad gas at first, but after an hour it hadn't moved and I couldn't sit or stand or lay down anymore. So I woke up Donna and called my doctor who said to head to the hospital...
We arrived to triage about 1:30am and were taken right in. Turned out the pain was from the UTI my midwife had diagnosed earlier that day, but it was moving into my kidney & causing a great deal of pain.
And of course while I was there, the triage doc decided to check my cervix...
And now I have less than a centimeter, NOT GOOD!!!

So that's what got me admitted, they took me right into labor & delivery and started treating me for pre-term labor with steroids for the boys lungs and magnesium for a couple things. Talk about loopy. I wasn't even aloud to get out of my bed to use the bathroom. The magnesium made my legs like jello, I couldn't focus on anything & I'm not sure if I made any sense when I talked, but decided Facebook & blogging weren't a good idea until I was off the magnesium, lol.

I was taken off the magnesium this morning and got my last steroid yesterday morning, so today they moved me from labor & delivery to antepardum. Antepardum has much more comfortable beds & the nurses don't come in & harass you so often. I'm also finally able to get up to go to the bathroom & I was able to shower, YAY!!! I also get food now, I was on clear liquids for 2 days while on the magnesium.

My Dad is still here, he had come up to stay with me while Donna worked out of town for a couple days. Needless to say Donna did not go out of town. She ended up taking the rest of the week off (but going in for a couples hours yesterday & today) and her & my Dad have been running back & forth between me & the dogs.

Right now I'm just hanging out & resting. Tomorrow morning I have an ultrasound to measure the boys & to check my cervix. I will find out then if I am here for the duration or if they will let me go home.

And here's a wonderful picture Donna took with my phone...

I will update again when we have more news, in the meantime please pray that these boys stay put for as long as possible.

Monday, April 11, 2011

SERIOUSLY... Another UTI?!?!

I can't believe I have a 3rd UTI!!! So annoying, I will take antibiotics twice a day for 10 days then switch to a maintenance dose once a day until I deliver... UTI's can cause pre-term labor... who knew?

On a happier note, the boys got a very nice gift card from their Great Great Aunt Edna & Uncle Bob!!!
Thank you both so much!!!

And thank you to my Aunt Onalee for contributing towards our cloth diapering endeavors :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fetal Cardiac Specialist and 1 More Crib...

A BIG  Thank you to Cheryl for the 3rd and final crib!!!

I can't believe we have 3 cribs!!!

And another BIG Thank You to Dan & Karin, Gene & Lila, & Carol for the mattress!!!

Donna has been a busy busy woman...

We went to see the Fetal Cardiac Specialist today. My Maternal Fetal doctor (perinatologist) suggested we go because they have not been able to get really good looks at all 3 of the boys hearts, especially Baby C who is wedged between Baby A & B.
What he did not tell us was that my diabetes could affect the babies hearts & that is what they were checking for.
Baby A was very cooperative as usual and his heart is perfect, he has all the parts he's suppose to have and everything is the right size :)
Baby C was more cooperative than usual & he also has all the parts he is suppose to have, but he has some mild thickening of the membrane/muscle between the chambers. That is what the diabetes causes. The cardiologist said it was mild and would correct itself as my sugar stabilized.
Baby B was uncooperative :(  he is so low and the other 2 are right on top of him so it was impossible to get a look at his heart other than to just see it beating & it was :)
We go back in 4 weeks to try again with Baby B, that is of course as long as I don't have them before then, lol...
The cardiologist said if she doesn't get to look at him before I have them, she will see him in the hospital right after birth to make sure his heart is good, but from what she could see, he looks good.

Donna wanted to try the mattress out...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

NICU Tour & More Baby Stuff!!!

A BIG Thank You to Donna's Aunt & Cousins, Aunt Sis, Keith & Joanne, Janet & Pat, Lynda & Marty, Ken & Kim, & Gary & Nancy for the high chairs!!!

& BIG Thank You's to Dan & Karin, Gene & Lila, & Carol for the crib!!!

& another BIG Thank you to Anne for your contribution to the boys funds!!!

These boys are going to know more love from more people than anyone could have imagined!!!

Donna working hard again...

1 of 3 of our cute high chairs :)

We went on a NICU tour today, It was actually reassuring and not as scary as I thought it would be.
I dont "want" our boys to have to go there, but chances are they will & we both feel better about it now.
The babies there were so tiny I could barely see them in their little beds under their blankets, but we did get to see one close up, she was born at 29 weeks and weighed 1lb 15oz, that is smaller than the boys are now, so it gave us a little perspective as to our babies size and whats in my belly.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We Have A Crib...

A BIG Thank You to Bob & Sandy!!!

I opened the front door this afternoon and was greeted by a great big box that said "caution package weighs over 70lbs." It was a crib & of course I left in on the porch until Donna got home :)
After dinner, while I took a nap, Donna put the crib together. I woke up in time to catch the last part of it being assembled.
Having a crib in their room sure makes having a baby (or 3) a lot more real. I looked over at Donna when she had it all done and in place and she kind of looked sick. I asked what was wrong? She said "I think I just thought you were getting fat, really fat." THANKS BABE!!!

Donna working hard...

The first of three...

Donna still looking shocked...

Donna, The Domestic Diva!!!

So I found the most adorable quilts from a friend & we decided to use them as our bedding sets, but that means we need sheets, crib skirts, & bumpers to match. So off to the fabric store we went to get fabric. Donna & I decided we would make the sheets. We got started Sunday and got 2 sheets done... My mom is helping out too, she is making the crib skirts and we will see who makes the bumpers and window treatments? Just depends on how much Donna & I can get done around her work schedule and my physical abilities.
We are excited to have something unique & custom for our boys!!!

Donna cutting out the pattern

Me getting the sewing machine ready

Just a little tid bit... Donna & I have been together for 11 years & I never knew she could sew, hmm, what else is she hiding?!?

Crib sheet #2
Crib sheet #1

Monday, April 4, 2011

26 Week Doctor Visits

Donna 26 weeks pregnant,  hehehe...
I started my day with a visit to the Diabetes Care Center. It was rather uneventful. I told her what the doctor told me friday about getting enough calories & NOT going hungry. She just increased my insulin a little and that was it. I still don't know why I have to go there, my doctor & midwife just go over the same things with me?

Next I went to my appointment with my Midwife. All was well there.
My blood pressure was low & I actually lost 2 pounds.
She went over my insulin amounts & what I'll do at my next visit, it's the BIG 28 week visit :)
No glucose test for me though, I've already failed that one, lol.
She measured my belly which now measures 36 weeks, WOW! It grew 3 weeks in 1 weeks time.
And we listened to the little guys hearts, they were all present :)
We also talked about my aches and pains... I've been getting a sharp pain in the top of my ribs on the right, it seems to be a combination of my ribs expanding and Baby A not liking my bra.
I just know that boy is going to be trouble!
My hips & pelvis  are also in a lot of pain, but it's just the pressure of carrying 3 babies.
Tylenol & a heating pad (on low) are my best friends right now.

26 Weeks!!!

My lovely bruise from taking insulin
My beach ball, that's Baby B in the bulge
at the bottom of my belly,
he wants to be the first one out!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Biggest Triplets The Dr Has Ever Seen...

Today we went for our 25 week growth scan.
The boys are all doing great.
Of course Baby A gave us another good look at his face, Baby B is still head down and face down, so no good pics of him, and we got a good profile shot of Baby C. Unfortunately we only got the prints today, our CD was full & none of us realized it :(
They all also had good heart rates and have gained a great amount of weight! Baby A is 2 lbs 4oz, Baby B is 2 lbs 5 oz, & Baby C is 2 lbs 3oz. The ultrasound tech said they are big boys measuring in the 66th percentile. That weight also puts them measuring 2 weeks ahead. And just in case you didn't add all that up, the 3 boys weights equal one full term baby.
When the doctor came in to go over the ultrasound he said these were "the biggest triplets he has ever seen!"
It is all good news for the boys considering they will be premature and the extra weight will help them out in the long run.

The doctor also talked to me about my calorie intake, he wants me to get 2800 - 3000 calories  a day regardless of the diabetes situation. He said they will control my sugar with insulin, but I needed the calories no matter what for the boys.

They are also sending us to fetal cardiac specialist. There is nothing wrong with any of their hearts that they can see, but the ultrasound techs cannot get really good views of all three, so they want the specialist to try. The doctor said the specialist may or may not get a better view, but he wanted to give them a shot.