
Monday, December 31, 2012

More Christmas

Saturday our dear friends Pat & Rosemary came to do a little Christmas celebrating. They spoiled the boys rotten as did my sister & brother in law who also came down Saturday & spent the weekend.

Aunt Ro & Aunt Pat

 Garren playing with his wooden car
 Mama opening one of 3 fabulous blankets
 The boys playing with the boxes of course :o)
 Kellan likes the ribbon
Thank you Aunt Pat & Aunt Ro for all of the wonderful gifts!!!

Sunday the boys and their cousin Chandler opened more gifts from Grandma & Grandpa Whittenburg & Their Aunts & Uncles.

 Caden with Hopkins (Baby Signing Time character)
 Thank you Aunt Mindy, Uncle Chris & Aliyah for Potty Time!!!
 Aunt Da opening Chandlers new truck for him
 Marie & Dad with the great photo calendar Autumn made
 Hopefully Garren will be cleaning house soon with his new vacuum, lol...
 Thank you Aunt O, Uncle Steven & Chandler for all the goodies!!!
 Chandler & Kellan opening gifts
 Kellan wishing someone would hurry up & open this train
The boys had a great time with everyone & may have just taught their cousin a few bad habits, lol...
 Peek~A~Boo from the pantry

 Photo of 4 toddlers???
About as good as it gets, lol...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

20 Months!!!

It is really REALLY hard to believe that in just 4 short months the boys will be TWO!!!

This last month has been another huge month in communication skills!!! All 3 of the boys are still repeating just about everything we say, even Caden who has always had very little to say is chatting up a storm. The boys are also picking up more signs & using them in multiple situations. Until recently most signs have been meal oriented, as far as eating, drinking, wanting more or being done.

Garren is getting more specific with his "more" sign. He usually wants more crackers, which he now signs cracker, or more mama, which can be confused with more food if he uses his fingers to sign mama instead of his thumb. Garren also signs all done when One of us flushes the toilet, lol...

Kellan has picked up several random signs which he signs when you say the word, for example hot & go. It's really random.

As fuzzy as it is, I LOVE this pic of Caden

Caden isn't using any more signs but is really starting to chat & mimic more. He says Haddie very clearly & he has been saying a lot of other random words too.

They don't do much without making a whole lot of noise. They are all babbles, random words, squeals & laughter. They still love to dance & have learned to jump just this week.
The boys have started blowing kisses, waving bye bye & covering their eyes with their hands & saying "BOO." They mimic characters on tv & say "oh tootles" when Mickey needs a tool on Mickey's Clubhouse.

Caden, Kellan & Garren

The boys have reached the temper tantrum stage. I thought for a moment the terrible twos started at the months starting with 2 and not the actual age of 2 but they aren't completely terrible quite yet just having a hard time expressing their selves.

When Garren is mad he throws things or knocks stuff over, easily corrected with a seat in the naughty chair, aka time out.

Kellan falls on the floor, arches his back & cries a loud horrible cry when he is upset, we usually let him work it out on his own unless it is because he is someplace new. For some reason he does this when we go someplace different or someplace he hasn't been in a while. We do try to comfort him & let him know we are right there with him & not leaving. He usually gets over it quickly.

Caden does something slightly disturbing, he bangs his own head when he's mad. Sometimes it's on the floor or wall but he has even banged his head on my leg or his brothers. He has also had a bit of a biting problem. We ignore the head banging & let him work out his frustration on his own. I immediately correct him when he bites or attempts to bite. This is more of a problem when he is
having teething pain & can usually be alleviated with ibuprofen.

Caden, Garren & Kellan in swanky new pj's from Nana & Papa

Overall they really are good boys & we are still having a blast with them every single day!!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Grandma & Grandpa Tilyou

We had planned to spend the first few days of our Christmas Vacation at Donna's parents but the boys did not sleep well Christmas Eve after the drive. Actually Caden would not sleep unless I was in their room with them, so we thought we'd give them another night at my parents before packing up everything & heading to the Tilyou's (an hour & a half away.) Well Caden was clingy the next night too so we decided we would just drive over every other day or so to spend the day with them that way the boys didn't keep them up at night & hopefully settled in a little better and let us all rest at my parents.

We all had a good visit & the boys love to run around Grandma & Grandpa's yard!!!

 Caden & Grandpa
 Garren, Kellan & Caden

Haddie & Eason also really enjoy running in the yard, chasing a ball or frisbee. Unfortunately this was probably the last time Haddie will get to play chase :( As a puppy she ruptured the ligament in her right hind knee requiring very expensive surgery. On this visit she "tore" the ligament in her left knee. We took her to the vet we used when we lived in FL, thankfully she doesn't need surgery & it should heal on it's own with limited activity for the next 8 weeks. Since it has now happened in both of her hind knees & we already know she has arthritis in the right knee, we will have to keep her running to a minimum & catch is out of the picture now for her. She has also had to go on a low calorie food to help control her weight with less activity. Garren is absolutely no help in this department since he shares everything he eats with her!

Pregnancy pillows make good dog beds too :)

Another unfortunate part of Haddie's injury is that the day we spent at the vet with her was the day we were suppose to go see my friend Jennifer & the boys' triplet bff's & their big sister :( Once again our plans had to be canceled but I am confident we will see them on our next trip down!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Day

We had a great Christmas Day with my dad & bonus mom, Marie, Donna's parents, my aunt & some friends & their children including twins about 5 months older than the boys. Marie & my dad prepared a wonderful dinner, the boys opened gifts from their Grandma & Grandpa Tilyou & we all just relaxed.

Great Aunt Onalee & Caden

 Grandpa & Grandma Tilyou
 Mama helping the boys open gifts & Nate (the 4th little boy) keeping a close eye
 I experienced what it would be like with quintuplets at snack time, lol...
Mama & Garren

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve

Being a family of a FedEx manager, holidays can be a little challenging. Donna can not leave work on Christmas Eve until ALL packages have been delivered. In past years she has worked late into the night. One Christmas she even worked on Christmas day.

from Caden, Garren & Kellan

This year we planned to go to FL to spend Christmas with my Donna's parents & my dad & bonus mom. The plan was to leave as soon as she finished at work Christmas Eve or if it got too late for the boys we would leave first thing Christmas morning.

The day before Christmas Eve we went to pick up the boys Christmas gift from another triplet family. The boys got to play on it all day Christmas Eve before we left for FL.

 Kellan, Caden & Garren
 Caden spent that first day sliding down the ladder side, lol...
Garren shooting hoops :o)

My mom & bonus dad were heading to my sister's Christmas Eve day & stopped by for a visit with the boys & I on their way. It was great to see them & as always I love watching the boys interact with their grandparents.

Nana & Kellan

Caden & Garren opening gifts 

 Caden & Papa
Garren loving on Annie

Donna actually got done at a decent hour & we were on the road by 7pm. We got to my dads about 10:30 where the boys met one of their Great Aunts, Onalee, for the first time. We all visited late into the night & then tried to convince the boys to go back to sleep so Santa could come...

One of the gifts in their stockings were these cozy head rests, they slept great on the ride with them :D

Monday, December 24, 2012

New Friends

I met another triplet mom online a few weeks ago that lives pretty close by. She & her husband also have all boys. Their boys are 10 months older than ours. We tried planning to get together several times, but our boys or her boys kept catching colds or other plans got in the way. Well the weekend before Christmas it finally happened, we got together at their house & ALL the boys played! They got along pretty well, there was the initial shy phase for a couple of them & of course the sharing issue that is always at hand with multiples even among brothers but I think they will all make great friends!!!

Randee & her husband were super sweet too & we really enjoyed chatting with while them while the boys played.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Minimalist Christmas Decor...

So, since I'm pretty much a single parent the last couple weeks (definitely the last week) leading up to Christmas & I have 3 toddlers that like to touch, feel, & grab EVERYTHING!!! I decided to limit our Christmas decorations & not have to fight 3 kids non stop over decorations they aren't allowed to pull on.

There is also the time factor, the boys only take one nap during the day now & 2 hours is just not enough time to drag everything out, get it up & get rid of the mess. And honestly, there was no way I was doing it at night after the boys went to bed. By 7:30 all I want to do is sit down.

So we have a "tree" the boys can play with, (until they tear it off the wall) garland in high places & stockings also hung high...

 Have to love Pinterest for the felt tree idea!
The boys really loved rearranging the "ornamants"

 But it never takes more than 30 minutes for one of them to grab the tape & rip it down, lol...
I just LOVE these stockings!!!
I really need to order some for Donna & I.
We hope you are enjoying the Season!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

sicklies :(

Well I feel like I haven't blogged in forever!!! In actuality I wrote this whole post over the weekend only to find that my iPad was offline when I hit publish & the whole thing was gone. I was too tired & frustrated to write it again then, but here it goes now...
Long story short, the boys woke up on a Tuesday/Wednesday with runny noses. By friday they had coughs that I really wasn't crazy about so off to the doctor we went. Turned out that Garren had an ear infection & that Caden & Kellan were both doing some wheezing. Garren got off easy with an antibiotic, Caden & Kellan on the other hand had to have breathing treatments (new thing for us) in the office & then came home with perscriptions for steroids & inhalers to continue breathing treatments for the next few days.
 C, K, G the first day of everyone not feeling so well. Cusions & comfy blankets on the floor make for fun relaxing.
By mid week, the boys started eating like themselves again so I though we were heading in the right direction, 2 days later they were all worse.
Caden was a trooper getting his in office breathing treatment.
Kellan took it like a champ too.
We headed back to the doctor & found out Garrens ear had gotten worse & that all 3 now had sinus infections. The wheezing was gone though, Thank goodness!!! So we got 3 new prescriptions for a stronger antibiotic, instructions to use Benedryl (for the first time ever!) A week later everyone seems to finally be feeling better, whew!!!
And this is what it takes to cure 3 boys of the worst virus/wheezing/ear infection/sinus infections ever...
This is what we started with minus the allergy med; vitamins, vapor rub, ibuprofen, nose drops, suction & temp checks with every diaper change...
Eight prescriptions total; 2 were steriods for Caden & Kellans breathing, 1 was Garrens first antibiotic.
3 were new stronger antibiotics for all 3 of the boys.
And 2 were Caden & Kellans inhalers.
We hope you ALL are healthy & happy this Holiday Season!!!