
Sunday, January 29, 2012

9 Months Old

I know I say this every month but, I just can't believe it has been 9 months already!!!
Garren, Kellan & Caden, 9 months exactly!!!
I think this is the first photo with them all smiling
It's been a busy busy month for all of us & I am one tired mommy because of it.

The boys are growing like crazy! We moved them into 9 month clothes in December & they are already busting out of them. We have already gotten them some 12 months pajamas & we have moved into 12 month onesies. I think our routine went all crazy earlier this month due to growth spurts. The boys were napping on different schedules than each other & for different lengths of time. It was hair pulling for me. I have always had them on the same schedule, when one wakes I wake them all, when one eats they all eat, everybody gets new diapers at the same time, this just keeps my mind together & I don't have to guess or try to remember who's done what. So having a baby awake at all times has made for some long days but, we are back on track now :)

All 3 boys are sitting up well on their own. Garren is finally spending more playtime on his tummy & Caden & Kellan are well on their ways to crawling. Each of them still only has their 2 bottom teeth but, they are all teething like crazy & I believe working on some top teeth. They take turns going through "chatty" periods. It's been Garren the past week or so, he mostly babbles dadada, lol...
The boys & the pups are interacting more with each other. Haddie & Eason have always been very protective & have always stayed close to the boys. Haddie now pushes her toys to the boys, I'm sure in hopes that one of them will throw it for her but she's had no luck yet. Kellan crawls/rolls after Eason. Eason's not real sure about babies on the move yet & usually just keeps backing up little by little. The boys also interact with each other a lot more now that they are sitting. It's like they have discovered a new world & have so much to say to each other about it. I love just sitting and watching them chatter with each other & snatch toys from each other. Garren is the biggest toy thief but Kellan & Caden are not shy about snatching something right out of the others mouth.

The boys are getting 3 meals of baby food a day & are still taking 4 bottles a day apiece. They are also snacking on "puffs," "baby mum mums," & "yogurt melts." The snacks are mostly for practice right now & Haddie & Eason get more of the puffs & yogurt melts than the boys do but the boys do great with the mum mums.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cold & Flu Season SUCKS!!!

There was no better way to say it.

I thought we were doing so well, the boys made it to their 6 month check-up with out any "sick visits." Then just about a week later, the beginning of November, we were in TN & the boys all came down with a cold. It wasn't bad at all after we saw the pediatrician & she told us what to do for them & what to watch for as far as RSV which they are at high risk for due to their prematurity.

About a month later Donna came home from work sick & over the course of a week I got sick & then the boys did too :( We took the boys to see the doctor again since this wasn't just a "cold." We all managed to get over it just in time for Christmas but only after I took Garren in to be seen by the doctor a second time due to him having trouble breathing at night, he was fine, just hanging onto it a little longer than the other boys.

The week after Christmas the boys got a stomach bug, Kellan spiked a 103.3 fever & then developed a viral rash. I took Kellan to the pediatrician for the rash & fever, just a virus, so nothing to do for him.

Now just 2 weeks later, the boys all have horrible colds again!!! We took them to see their pediatrician yesterday, turns out Kellan & Garren have their very first ear infections :( Ear infections I guess can be a precursor to RSV so the doctor tested for that & it came back negative, thank God. Caden doesn't have an ear infection but he does have a nasty cold. We go back next week for a re-check & also for the boys 9 month check-ups. Can you believe they are going to be 9 months already?!?

Well, now we are going back to the RSV/premature baby guidelines for visitors.
  • Family members, caregivers & visitors must wash their hands with warm water and soap before touching the babies.
  • Avoid visiting the babies if you have a cold or fever or have been around someone with a cold or fever in the past 2 weeks.
  • Avoid exposing the babies to other children with cold symptoms.
  • Keep the babies away from crowded places.
  • Never smoke around the babies.

If you are unfamiliar with RSV & who is at risk click here.

Now for some photos of my little sicklies...

Garren, Caden & Kellan
Garren, Caden & Kellan, lounging in their pj's, watching the playoffs

Monday, January 23, 2012

Get Ready, Get Set...

They are trying to GO!!!

Garren is spending a lot more time playing on his tummy these days. He has not liked being on his tummy up until now, so this makes me very happy. Maybe he won't be too far behind his brothers learning to crawl.

Caden & Kellan are now getting up on their knees...

I've yet to get a picture of Kellan doing it, he gets so distracted by the camera.

Here are some new pics of our other babies :)

My perfect child, Eason
Our little diva, Haddie

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Aunt Meggan, Uncle Aaron, Clark & Tucker...

Wednesday my bonus sister Meggan, & her family paid the boys & I a visit before heading to the mountains. They arrived in NC for our family Christmas get together last friday (1/13) but we didn't really get to chat much with so much family & so many kids in one place :D So I was beyond thrilled when she text Tuesday night & asked if we had lunch plans!!!
Her boys, our nephews are 22 months & 3 years old. They are so loving, especially Tucker towards the boys, he always gives them kisses. He did this when we were all in FL in August too.
It was nice getting to visit. We use to see Meg & Aaron at most holidays when we still lived in FL. They live in the Pan Handle so we don't always get to see them when we do make it home to Orlando.
Well I'm rambling now, so here are a few pictures...

Aaron & Clar 
Caden & Aunt Meg
getting a little crawling encouragement 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sitting Up...

The boys have been working at it for a while, they are finally sitting for extended periods of time on their own. I still usually put a Boppy in range to catch them if they should fall over but for the most part they just sit & play. They also carry on very animated conversations with each other when they are sitting up.

My puffy eyed & rosey cheeked little guys, gotta love cold & flu season :P
Caden, Kellan & Garren
Mama getting in on the action :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Birthday Mama

Last year on Donnas birthday we found out we were having three BOYS! This year she got her first "mom" birthday card from them :)

We spent her actual birthday (Friday, Jan 13th) celebrating Christmas with family. Sunday we (the boys & I) took her shopping & to dinner. Funny how becoming a mom turns even a day about you into a day for the kids. Her shopping consisted of fleece sleepers & outfits for the boys from Carters :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Merry Christmas, Part II

Every year, every since Autumn & Steven got married, we get together with them & my Dad & Marie a week or two after Christmas to celebrate the holiday together. Even when Donna & I still lived in FL. This year, since we couldn't make it to FL, we all gathered, including my bonus sisters, here in NC.
We all had a great time & I think it is great to get all the grandkids together for our parents. This has now happened twice :)

***WARNING, there were a lot of us there, so there are a lot of photos...

Kellan & I
Donna & Garren
Aunt Meggan & Caden
Aaron & Tucker
Clark, Aaron & Tucker 
Mindy, Aliyah, Meggan & Caden
Kellan & I
Grandma & Uncle Chris
Garren, Me & Kellan
Donna & Garren 
Steven & Chandler 
Mindy, Meggan, Aliyah & Caden
Steven & Chandler 
Donna, Caden & Garren 
Chris & Aliyah
Steven & Chandler
Me & Grandma holding Kellan
Aunt "O" (Autumn)
Aunt Mindy & Chandler, Tucker, Meg & Clark

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Aunt "O," Uncle Steven & Chandler...

The same week my parents were here my sister, Autumn, & her family came to visit.  Autumn also hadn't seen the boys since we were in FL for my dads surgery & Steven hadn't seen them since the week they were born.
Dad & Marie came over on Wednesday Thursday & we all spent the day together. They all got to see just what a spectacle taking triplets to the mall causes, lol. It was a fun visit though.
Friday we all got together at my bonus sister, Mindy's place for "Christmas." (I'll blog about that next...)

Uncle Steven & Garren 
Steven, Garren & my nephew Chandler
Uncle Steven & Caden


Aunt "Shwing" & Chandler

Grandpa, Grandma & Chandler
Chandler playing with Garren

Chandler with Caden
Garren & Caden